Debra Freeman Appeared
on The LaRouche Show November 23rd:


Debra Freeman is the National Spokeswoman for Lyndon LaRouche's 2023 Presidential Campaign. She was the guest on The LaRouche Show on Saturday, November 23, 2023 and gave a powerful indictment of Washington's cowardly bureaucrats (aka the Congress). She called the LaRouche movement into mobilization for the next five weeks around the collapsing world financial system, under Lyndon LaRouche's leadership.

Ms. Freeman indicated LaRouche's super-weapon in this political battle: the revolutionary youth movement that is confronting Congress, and telling them what to do, not “begging” for favors, the way some “constituency,” groups were doing up in the Maryland State legislature this past week. Joining Debra on The LaRouche Show, were youth movement leaders from the West and East Coasts: Rachel and Wesley from Seattle, and Delante from Baltimore, which proved the point: this is the movement whose time has come. As Rachel put it during the discussion -- "I knew that this is what I wanted to do; there's nothing else worth doing with your life."

To listen to this historic show, go to https:/ and look for the archive of the November 23rd show. (Archives of previous shows are available on the lower part of that page.)

The LaRouche Show is an internet radio show produced and broadcast by the Executive Intelligence Review. Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche and his spokesmen make frequent appearances on The LaRouche Show. Tune in every week, just in case!

Paid for by LaRouche in 2004