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Vote for Lyndon LaRouche in 2004, Democratic pre-candidate for US President
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'Elect Lyndon LaRouche As President Or Be Responsible For Destruction Of The Nation'
Amelia P. Boynton Robinson.

Lying awake last night as I have many nights, I think of how angry or disgusted we become when we hear of hate groups burning our flag. Yet we have done worse to ourselves when we violate the very core of the principles of our Constitutionto form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defense, promote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. The Constitution speaks of freedom of the press, freedom of expression and freedom of speech. Those who are in power in our country have burned the idea or disregarded all of the main principles of the Constitution, which keep the country from going into a dark age, by disregarding its citizens' constitutional rights.

Just as the sleeping South did not want its way of life disturbed, so the corrupt gang now in control of our nation, surrounded by their political slaves or fat cats, will permit this country to be destroyed before they will call on Lyndon LaRouche, who has the blueprint to save America and the world.

God always ordains our leaders. There was Moses who, in spite of his struggle, successfully led the children to the Promised land, Christ who taught us how to love, Martin Luther King who taught non-violence, and Lyndon LaRouche, who, by precepts and examples, is being heard and respected by people throughout the world. Where else can you find a man who will face the many dangers? He knows that he is guided by the "Power Above" and the world recognizes him as a leader.

Martin Luther King was not loved by the evil forces and as one of the civil rights activists of Selma, Alabama, I was told to keep him out of Selma. But just as I was told of King, my investigation discovered that Mr. LaRouche's wisdom, knowledge, love for mankind, and ability to save this distructive world is the only means of having a country or a stabilized country or world.

Therefore, I heartily endorse for President of the United States the only human being, who can put the Constitution in operation. I also urge every sane American citizen to vote for Lyndon LaRouche as our next President, or face a crisis worse than America has ever experienced.

Civil Rights Activist,
Amelia P. Boynton Robinson
Vice Chairman, Schiller Institute

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Paid for by LaRouche in 2004