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Vote for Lyndon LaRouche in 2004, Democratic pre-candidate for US President
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The Honorable Erik R. Fleming Endorses LaRouche in Democratic Primary

Since former Vice-President Albert Gore has weighed in with his choice for President, I feel that I must do the same. I am endorsing a candidate for President that I really believe has the answer for our current economic condition, since he predicted it would happen. I am endorsing a candidate that has the respect of world leaders, since he has met with them for years, advising them on their respective problems.

I am endorsing a candidate that has advised previous Presidents and has taken it upon himself to educate many Americans about what government is all about in the context of us being part of a universe that is inter-connected, rather than being a populist or isolationist. I am endorsing a candidate that believes that an enlightened nation is truly an educated nation.

He has a true sense of this nation's history, for if you know your past, then you will not be doomed to repeat your mistakes. He has also done his best to expose corruption when it exists and has mobilized people of all races and ages to defend this nation against those forces.

Who is this guy you ask? His name is Lyndon LaRouche. Lyn has been deemed a perennial presidential candidate, having run for the office several times unsuccessfully. He has been ostracized by the DNC and demonized in the press, when they acknowledge his presence. He has been labeled as a racist, a demagogue and as a cult leader.

I have watched this man for a long time and had the chance to meet him and his devoted staff. I can tell you with all sincerity that he is not any of these labels. He is a visionary genius who has placed his reputation and life on the line to make America and the world a better place. The people that work with him are not groupies, but well-rounded, honest folks who believe that America can do better. They, like me, believe tht Lyn has the best ideas to move this nation forward and that his voice needs to be heard in the Diaspora that is called American politics.

He is not a typical politician. He doesn't even ask people to vote for him when he speaks. But, he is serious about being President because he realizes that in that position, he is living up to the challenge that an ancient Greek philosopher once stated, "the highest aim of man is public service."

Lyn has given me an opportunity to lead, whether it was chairing a panel to discuss domestic issues or to travel to Mexico to convince government officials not to sell their oil and mineral rights to Enron months before that company's bankruptcy. I believe he would continue to give young political leaders that same opportunity if elected President, something most polticians do not do.

Unfortunately, this may be the only time you hear his name as a presidential candidate, thanks to the pundits who have dismissed him. But, I, like, Lyn, have nothing to lose and everything to gain if he is given the opportunity to lead this country. The loss will be the people of America if they have to settle for the choices that the mainstream media lies before them.

Lyndon LaRouche, right now, at this time, is the best candidate running for President of the United States of America. He is a man of great character and strong moral fiber. He is clearly the most prepared candidate for the position. I hope that the rest of the nation is afforded the chance that I have had in getting to know Lyn. I strongly believe that if allowed the same audience as the other candidates, the voters of America will come to the same conclusion I have. Oh, how exciting that possibility would be.

The Honorable Erik R. Fleming
Member Mississippi House of Representatives
District 72

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Paid for by LaRouche in 2004