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Vote for Lyndon LaRouche in 2004, Democratic pre-candidate for US President
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Rep. Perry B. Clark Endorses LaRouche in April 26th Democratic Primary
'Make Your Vote Count in the Kentucky Presidential Primary'

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Contrary to what we are being told, our nation is now in the midst of the worst economic strategic crisis since the end of the last world war. Business as usual has now come to an end. Short of a drastic overhaul of all of our current approaches to policy, we face an ongoing disaster.

I have had a chance to meet Mr. Lyndon LaRouche on several occasions, and continue to be very impressed by his insights into the national crisis, and the sound solutions that he has offered.

Over the years, Mr. LaRouche has been absolutely on the mark with his economic forecasts, and more importantly has put forward the only policy alternatives that can rescue our people. He has clearly articulated the need to revive the economic approach last associated with President Franklin Roosevelt, which saved us from the Great Depression. Roosevelt's great infrastructure programs put millions of people back to work building the great projects that then, as now, were long overdue.

That policy also echoes the approach of Great Kentuckians of generations past. Roosevelt proudly stood on the shoulders of both Henry Clay and President Abraham Lincoln, who were leading proponents of what became known as the American System of Economics. It was this system that built the United States into the great nation, that up until recently, was the envy of the world. It is time to revive the American System of Clay and Lincoln.

On foreign policy, Mr. LaRouche is intervening into the escalating nightmare in Iraq, with a bold initiative to extricate our troups quickly, but with honor. This initiative is centered around a large development program for the entire region, and is driven by the simple Biblical precept, "Love thy Neighbor."

In 2000, the Democratic Party had no intention of convening Platform hearings, so Mr. Larouche sponsored a day-long hearing into the kinds of issues that would have comprised a useful Democratic platform. I was proud to serve on the hearing panel, and we circulated over a million copies of that provocative session. We addressed the urgent issues of jobs, health care, and justice.

Now, simple platform statements will no longer suffice to rescue our nation. Only real leadership around the 'certain trumpet call' of Mr. LaRouche will serve to both inspire the Democratic voting base and lead us to victory in the November election. It is time to cut through the cynicism, fear, and denial that are gripping the voting public. Courageous leadership can uplift a beaten down citizenry.

With these thoughts in mind, I am happy to lend my name endorsing Mr. Lyndon LaRouche for the Democratic nomination for President in the upcoming Kentucky primary on May 18.

I also urge my fellow citizens to make their votes count, and cast their ballots for Lyndon LaRouche. It is only be securing delegates on the floor of the convention in Boston for Mr. LaRouche, that a real dialogue can actually occur. Real debate on these life and death issues is the only guarantee that we have of saving this nation in its moment of greatest peril.

Rep. Perry B. Clark, (D-37, Louisville)
April 26, 2023

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Paid for by LaRouche in 2004