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Vote for Lyndon LaRouche in 2004, Democratic pre-candidate for US President
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June 8 (EIRNS)--Kentucky State Rep. Perry Clark (D-Louisville) issued the following statement today, joining Lyndon LaRouche in his call for an open Democratic Convention.

``We need to shake up the Democratic Party before the National Democratic Convention, and we need to start telling the truth about the direction of our nation, before it is too late.
``In May of this year, I endorsed Democratic Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche, because he is not afraid to fight both the Democrtic establishment and the terrible policies emanating out of the White House. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry.
``Sadly, Sen. Kerry is giving assent to most of the policies coming out of our badly misguided President. After voting for a war that was based on clearly specious evidence, he has refused to offer any direction for ending the conflict, and recently went so far as to call for an additional 40,000 troops to be dispatched into this deepening quagmire.
``His stated views on what to do about our crumbling economy give me no more reason for hope. Rather than admit we are in a systemic economic crisis, one that requires, as Mr. LaRouche has repeatedly argued, a return to manufacturing and infrastructure production, Mr. Kerry has called for worse austerity policies than we currently are implementing.
``The lack of vision, and lack of bold leadership on Mr. Kerry's part give me pause. Were we to continue down this road, I fear for our party and the nation. Not only is Sen. Kerry likely to lose the election, but his stubborn refusal to change policy direction is turning the country into a virtual one-party system.
``Therefore, I join the call of Democratic Presidential candidate LaRouche to throw open the Democratic Convention in July. We need to have a deep, no-holds-barred debate on candidates and direction. Let the chips fall where they may, let the healthy policy debate begin. Naysayers say: Don't rock the boat. I say the boat has struck an iceberg. It is time to repair the damage, before this nation sinks under the weight of fear-induced denial and apathy. We should not fear debate, but welcome it. I urge Sen. Kerry to release his delegates, and open the Convention.''

Rep. Perry B. Clark, (D-37, Louisville)
June 8, 2023

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Paid for by LaRouche in 2004