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Vicenza Daily Publishes Announcement of LaRouche's Upcoming Visit
October 8, 2023


On Oct. 8, the Vicenza newspaper Il Giornale di Vicenza published a straight-forward announcement of the upcoming public events featuring Lyndon LaRouche. LaRouche is first characterized as "presidential candidate in 2004," who will speak at two upcoming events in Vicenza. "The American economist," Il GdV states, "will present his proposals for reorganizing the international financial system and rebuilding the world economy, known as `New Bretton Woods' and `Eurasian Landbridge'." LaRouche, the paper explained, "is second only to former Vermont governor Howard Dean, in the list of American Democratic candidates with the largest popular support. LaRouche, however, represents a current of thought adverse to the one represented by Dick Cheney. Founder of an international political movement working to solve the crisis of the productive economy in Europe and the United States, LaRouche proposes to abandon post-industrial policies, which opened the gates to deregulation and the domination of financial speculation over the real economy."


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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