Campaign Meetings

To Contact
Our National Campaign Headquarters
Call 1-800-929-7566


There are weekly and monthly meetings taking place around the country. To find out about your area...
Call the Nearest Regional Office
    From East to West:
         Leesburg, VA 800-929-7566
         Northern Virginia 703-779-2150
         Washington, D.C. 202-543-8002
         Hackensack, NJ 201-441-4888
         Boston, MA 781-380-4000
         Buffalo, NY 716-873-0651
         Montreal, Canada 514-855-1699
         Philadelphia, PA 610-734-7080
         Pittsburgh, PA 412-884-3590
         Baltimore, MD 410-247-4200
         Norfolk, VA 757-587-3885
         Houston, TX 713-541-2907
         Chicago, IL 773-472-6100
         Flint, MI 810-232-2449
         Detroit, MI 313-592-3945
         Minneapolis, MN 763-591-9329
         Lincoln, NE 402-946-3981
         Mt. Vernon, SD 605-996-7022
         Phoenix, AZ 602-992-3276
         Los Angeles, CA 323-259-1860
         Oakland, CA 510-839-1649
         Seattle, WA 425-488-1045