LaRouche Interview

LaRouche Interviewed in UAE
Daily Al Bayan

Lyndon LaRouche sent these replies on Nov. 16  to questions submitted to him by the daily Al-Bayan, from the United Arab Emirates. These are the candidates answers and only show abbreviated versions of the questions. The interview, which was published in Arabic on Nov. 24th was also published on Al Bayan's website,

Topic: On the economic effects of Sept. 11.

LaRouche: The presently onrushing general collapse of the world's present monetary-financial system, had already entered its terminal phase by Sept. 10, the day before the planes crashed into New York's World Trade Center and the Washington Pentagon. The currently ongoing monetary-financial collapse is far worse than a mere depression, such as that of 1929-1933; it is a systemic collapse of the world system set into motion by President Nixon's actions of August 1971. That system could never be resuscitated from the present collapse. Our goal should be to eliminate the present system, so that we may resuscitate the world's economy.

Topic: Political and social ramifications of this world recession?

LaRouche: Without replacing the present monetary-financial system, the effects of this crisis upon so-called “Third World” nations would be a disaster beyond the imagination of most of those governments today.

Topic: Impact of an “international alliance against terrorism”?

LaRouche: The reply to this question must be situated within a corrected view of what actually happened in the U.S.A. on Sept. 11. Those attacks could have been organized by nothing less than an intended coup d'état deployed from within very high levels of the U.S. internal military-security apparatus. Only from that standpoint, can one understand why the word “terrorism” was not introduced until after 20:00 hours, Eastern Daylight Time, on Sept. 11.

One must also take into account the personal exchanges between President George Bush and Russia's President Vladimir Putin during the morning (U.S.A.) hours of Sept. 11. One would wish to compare my stated view of those events with what French voices such as Réseau Voltaire, Le Figaro, and Le Monde, among others, have published bearing on the actual authors of an attempted coup d'état against the U.S. government of President George W. Bush.

As many influential circles in the Arab world will recall, from about the time Zbigniew Brzezinski assumed his personal role as controller of the creation of the candidacy and Presidency of Jimmy Carter, certain militant Arab and other forces were recruited to conduct a surrogate war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. This was only a leading aspect of a general spread of the use of privately financed mercenary-style armies in Central and South America, in Africa, and in the Middle East.

As leading Arab spokesmen have made clear, these quasi-mercenary wars were organized covertly by chiefly British, Israeli, and U.S. agencies. By covertly, I mean that the relevant governments and related international financial circles conducted these homicidal adventures under the cloak of denying that they, or their governments, had anything to do with these matters. I, for one, personally, knew differently, then, as now.

The crux of the matter is, therefore, this. When governments establish powerful military capabilities which those governments are at pains to deny to be their own, the mechanisms by which denial is maintained give the flag-rank officers running such irregular operations the opportunity to conduct coups d'état against the nations which had harbored operations of the type conducted by Brzezinski et al. That happened to the U.S. government itself, on Sept. 11, 2023.

There are many undisclosed aspects of this operation, but certain things are clear. Notably, the manner of the intervention of Russia's President Putin, in his telephone conversations of Sept. 11 with President Bush, changed the course of history that day. We have heard President Bush refer to the general importance of these conversations, repeatedly, since that time.

Somewhere, during the evening of Sept. 11, there was a new decision made, to respond to the effect of the morning's attacks by declaring a war on “terrorism,” and, as I warned against this on a radio interview earlier that day, picking long-standing Anglo-American asset Osama bin Laden as the scape-goat for the case. The significance of targetting both bin Laden and the Talibans, is twofold. First, they are in a certain sense “free targets,” created by the Anglo-American interests. Second, they are used in an effort to prevent the plotters behind the attempted coup d'état, from pushing the U.S. into support of the general Middle East “Clash of Civilizations” war, which the coup plotters and also Zbigniew Brzezinski were determined to launch, that in alliance with the present military dictatorship controlling Israel.

To understand some crucial features of this situation, the following points must be remembered. With the 1989-1991 fall of the Soviet system, the Anglo-American financier-political interests believed that the opportunity existed to tear down and eliminate the relics of the modern sovereign form of nation-state, thereby establishing a new world-wide Roman Empire along the same general lines as Venice's position as an imperial maritime power during the period it directed the Crusades, and the religious warfare of 1511-1648 Europe. This has been called “globalization.”

Since 1995, and, more emphatically, since the [Russian] GKO crisis of 1998, it has been apparent to all leading circles that the present world monetary-financial system is doomed. They realized, no later than the Washington monetary conference of October 1998, that only a short time remained before the system would collapse. During that recent interval, there have been numerous high-level meetings discussing ways in which to keep power under conditions of an inevitable, general, monetary-financial collapse. A leading part of this kind of discussion, as by Zbigniew Brzezinski, has been to build up a confrontation between the Anglo-Americans, against China and Russia, and to create chaos in Central Asia through operations along the lines of petroleum schemes and “Clash of Civilizations” adventures.

Someone, at very high levels, within the U.S. command structure, unleashed an attempted coup d'état against the Bush government on Sept. 11. Had that crisis led to a nuclear-alert escalation between the U.S.A. and Russia, the coup plotters would have succeeded, almost without doubt. President Putin's Sept. 11 telephone conversations with President Bush, changed the situation in a radical, beneficial way.

Otherwise, nothing else has been solved. The coup d'état has been defeated, at least temporarily, but the nightmare rolls on. The press coverage in France from Réseau Voltaire, Le Figaro, and Le Monde, is notable. I do not certify every detail published on this matter there; but the publication of that information, for widespread public discussion, has been useful.

Topic: The impact on Arab countries.

LaRouche: The issues just addressed can not be intelligently assessed, except from the standpoint of the worsening crisis caused by the Israeli military command's use of Prime Minister Sharon as its political cover for subjecting the Palestinians to the kind of treatment which Hitler imposed upon the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto.

Arab culture, and the Arab world is based in the Middle East. Without Middle East peace, the necessary forms of economic development can not proceed with success. This was understood by those in London who shaped British Middle East policy since the period of the Napoleonic wars.

With large-scale, high-technology forms of desalination, and with other essential basic economic infrastructure, such as energy and mass transportation of freight and people, a successful development of the Middle East can occur in two general ways. First, internal development, in and of itself; second, the potential role of the Middle East as the link of Africa to Asia, and a crucial part of Europe's economic connections to Central and South Asia.

Thus, until we enforce the Middle East peace which the U.S. and other backers of the currently reigning Israeli military faction are determined to prevent, the danger of a “Clash of Civilizations” war engulfing a billion Muslims in one way or another, is more or less inevitable. With peace, the transportation and related links through the Middle East, as from Africa and Europe, into Central and South Asia, become the major, even the predominant factor in a true economic renaissance throughout the region.

Sometimes, to fight for the good, and against the evil, are the same thing, as in this case,

Topic: World depression?

LaRouche: The present monetary-financial collapse is far worse, in every respect, than the economic depression of 1929-1933. It is not a cyclical depression; it is a systemic collapse. Without putting the present international monetary-financial system through a most drastic form of bankruptcy reorganization, the attempt to continue that system with modest reforms, will plunge the entire planet into an early new dark age which will last for perhaps two or more generations. The 1945-1963 model of a fixed-exchange-rate monetary-financial system, should immediately replace the 1971-2001 floating-exchange-rate, “globalized” system; but, this time, all regions of the world must be principal partners of the new system modelled on the best experience of the 1945-1963 Bretton Woods system.

Topic: The alternatives?

LaRouche: There are two distinct, but ultimately interdependent means for bringing about a rescue of the world's nations from the present combination of a general monetary-financial collapse and the effects of the recent coup d'état attempt.

The easier part of the solution, for me, is the economic solution. Since I am an economist of a certain degree of relevant knowledge and experience, designing a system which offers a successful alternative to the presently onrushing catastrophe, is within my intellectual means. The more difficult challenge is of the form: where shall we find combinations of political power, which might represent both the willingness and the commitment, to impose the needed new system?

I would emphasize two sets of facts, as bearing on the possibility of the needed political side of the solution. First, I point to the rising tide of impulses for economic collaboration within most of Eurasia, since the time of the 1998 GKO crisis. Second, I emphasize that the U.S.A., the world's leading military-political power, has no hope of surviving unless it changes its present ways, into the directions of economic, monetary, and financial reform I have indicated.

We have seen, beginning with Russia's Prime Minister Primakov, and resumed and extended by President Putin, cooperation in long-term economic development and mutual security, of Russia with the nations of East, Southeast, South, and Central Asia. These negotiations are coupled with an increasing reliance, by western Europe, on long-term markets for technology in Asia. These developments, while not yet fully secured policies, are major steps in the needed direction of things.

Were the U.S.A. to become a partner of such a Eurasian-cooperation system, the needed basis in economic interest for a peacefully developing world, is established. With included features such as Middle East peace enforced by a concert of such powers, the role of Egypt as the natural, historically and geographically determined pivot of the development of Africa as a whole, comes into play, just as U.S.A. cooperation facilitates the benefits available to Central and South America.

I am therefore optimistic, but not blindly so.

Together, with others, you and I may each play a significant role in bringing a just new world political-economic order out of the nightmare which grips the world today.

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