Italian Daily Publishes Interview
With Lyndon LaRouche
March 30, 2023

        Under the headline, "But it is a society that consumes and does not produce", the daily L'Eco di Bergamo published  an interview with Lyndon LaRouche on March 30, which had been conducted by a journalist who participated in one of the meetings LaRouche had in Milan. Although the interview suffered some cuts, it is an excellent presentation of LaRouche, and it was run beside an article on the recent "recovery" prophecies by the IMF, as a counterposition. Here is the full text:

"Lyndon LaRouche is over 80 years old, but he could still put contemporary politicians, two or three generations younger, in line. Pre-candidate to the US presidential elections in 2004, appointed by Reagan to negotiate with the USSR on the first project of anti-missile defense, this economist is today one of the most critical voices of the US political panorama. This week, LaRouche held two conferences at the Milan chamber of commerce, in front of a cross section of the Lombardy political and entrepreneurial class, and he agreed to answer to a few questions for the "Eco" readers.

EdB: The head of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, has recently declared that the USA has come out of the crisis.

LL: The truth is that the US economy is going towards a collapse. Since the middle of the Sixties, the US economic system shifted from a production society to a mere consumption society. We simply started to lose interest in production, thinking that our needs could be fulfilled by taking what is necessary from third world countries, and everything through credit mechanisms. As a consequence of this distortion introduced into our way of thinking, not only the fundamental entrepreneurial capabilities have been set off, but the amount of derivatives and other financial alchemies has reached the astronomical figure of 400 billion dollars [sic]. Similar to the US foreign debt, nobody will be ever able to contain this speculative bubble, which is doomed to burst.

EdB: What is the relationship between that and the war spiral that Washington is building up?

LL: A relationship of total interdependence. The State Department declares that they have won the war in Afghanistan. In reality, the US Army is today in the same condition as the Soviet army at the beginning of the Eighties. And the final outcome will be the same. We walked into Afghanistan without the smallest evidence of a connection between Bin Laden and the Sept. 11 events. In such a situation, the whole current US policy is a pretext to attack Iraq. The people who control the White House, figures like H. Kissinger and Z. Brzezinski, the same people who financed Islamic extremism against the USSR, are attempting a flight forward to delay the collapse of the economic system, a collapse preannounced by Argentina. To do that, these people want to create a war spiral, a conflict of civilizations. By bombing Iraq, the whole Arab world will feel itself assaulted. But Iraq will not be an easy job.

EdB: What could be the European role in all this?

LL: Europe can indicate the alternative to the current economic situation. The only way out from this global crisis is the starting, by Europe, of a policy of large continental infrastructure which, through Russia and the former Soviet area, would connect Europe's economy to the economies of China, India and the Middle East. Europe and the world have a vital interest in this Eurasian Landbridge project. This is the only way to start a spiral of real economic growth and eliminate the perspective of the "war of civilizations".
