Who Is Telling Lies "Skunk Alert" Mass Leaflet: |
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Timeline Of USA vs. LaRouche Why All Of This Talk Of Credit Card Fraud? What Is The New American Fascism? |
Timeline Of USA vs. LaRouche For those with strong stomachs, here are some singular examples of what the "Get LaRouche" Task Force looks like "under the covers": November 23, 1973: Internal FBI Memorandum shows that the New York City office of the FBI was working together with the Communist Party, USA to "eliminate" LaRouche. Friends of LaRouche were able to obtain a copy of this memorandum through persistent FOIA and exculpatory evidence requests. Click here to read the FOIA released letter. August 1979 - March 1982: The LaRouche political movement caught the New York Times red-handed with the intention to launch a combined press and legal attack to exterminate LaRouche. Because LaRouche was able to catch the New York Times reporters intentions on tape, the slanders were first launched by an East-Side Manhatten "throw-away" newspaper of the time called Our Town. August 19, 1982: The Kissinger Letter. Henry Kissinger personally asked his good friend, William Webster (who was head of the FBI at the time) to "get LaRouche". Click here to read the FOIA released letter. January 12, 1982: Webster Follows Through. William Webster indicates to his subordinate Buck Revell that there was discussion of LaRouche's possible funding by foreign intelligence sources at a recent meeting of the President's Foreign Policy Advisory Board (PFIAB). This question triggers Executive Order 12333. 1984: During the 1984 campaign, Lyndon LaRouche's presidential campaign committee's published 23 half hour in-depth presentations on policy on nationwide television (more than all other presidential campaigns combined for that year). Not surprisingyl, the media struck back in the form of a slander by Pat Lynch's news show. Lyndon LaRouche sued NBC. The judge ruled in favor of NBC. 1986: Lyndon LaRouche and 5 co-defendents were indicted in Boston Massachusettes on charges of ... and credit card fraud. The trial which lasted 6 months was shut down the day that the judge ordered that then Vice-President George Bush's safe be searched for documents relevant to the harassment of Lyndon LaRouche's political campaign. Boston Trial and Acquittal (including credit card fraud charges) October 6, 1986: The famous Leesburg "Panty Raid" February 1987: New York/Virginia Indictments April xx, 1987: Bankruptcy of LaRouche Corporations May 5, 1988 Boston Herald covers Boston Mistrial October xx, 1988: LaRouche and co-defendents are indicted in Alexandria, VA (2 weeks before the general elections where Lyndon LaRouche is an Independent candidate in xx States) January 12, 1989: LaRouche sentenced to 15 years. February xx, 1989: Bankruptcy thrown out. January xx, 1994: LaRouche released on parole. 1994-1995: Thousands of international leaders call for Lyndon LaRouche's exoneration. 1999: Lyndon LaRouche released from parole. 2000: Supreme Court rips up the Voting Rights Act. Al Gore and the Democratic national Committee (DNC) are allowed to steal well over 50,000 votes, and prevent LaRouche from being on the ballot in states such as Michigan. 1973 - present: Widespread rumors and misconceptions which prevent other-directed Americans from finding out the truth about Lyndon LaRouche. Don't be one of the vox populi. Think for yourself. |
(Skunk Alert: Send reports of local media or other slanders to .) |