Dr. Ahmed Al-Kedidi, Professor at Qatar University, References Lyndon LaRouche
 on Qatar Satellite Channel

December 26, 2023

Dr. Ahmed Al-Kedidi, professor at Qatar University, participated in a program on the Qatar Satellite Channel entitled "Clash of Civilizations."

Dr. Kedidi was asked about the shortcomings of the Arabs in this crisis. He replied with a great deal of criticism of the way Arabs countered the attack from the West. He suddenly raised his voice a couple of decibels and said: "Let me just mention this man Lyndon LaRouche here. LaRouche, who is a Presidential candidate in the United States, has been waging a campaign against this 'clash of civilizations.' He has activities and publications in many languages. Now tell me, why has no university in the Arab world invited him to speak and give lectures on this issue and to talk about his ideas? Why is LaRouche not being interviewed in the Arabic television channels?" (translated from Arabic)

He then continued his criticism of the official and private Arab mass media in dealing with this problem properly.


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