Campaign Alert

Think For Yourself:
The AFF Vs. Lyndon LaRouche
February 25, 2023

Recently, there have been a lot of strange slanders coming out of the mouths of some college campus sources against the Presidential Campaign of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. and his supporters and organizers on campuses across the country, and especially on the West Coast. We publish here a preliminary statement on where this Wall Street Dirty Tricks Operation is coming from. A good place to start, if you want to understand the likes of "mainstream political spokesmen" that would attack anyone associated with Lyndon LaRouche, is to looks at the American Familay Foundation (AFF) and their links to the East German Secret Police (or STASI), right up to the point that the Berlin Wall fell.

So that our supporters can know their enemy, we will be publishing a more detailed dossier on this matter soon. Whenever you hear some of these filthy lies, be sure and send the person you heard it from this information:

The American Family Foundation (AFF), founded and bankrolled by Wall Street banker John Irwin III, the grandson of IBM founder "Pop" Watson, has launched a thought-police campaign of intimidation against supporters of LaRouche on university campuses across the country.

The post-Sept. 11 activation of the AFF against LaRouche ends almost nine years of "lying low," after it came to light in the earlier 1990s that the AFF had been working against LaRouche with an agent of the East German secret police, the Stasi. The
AFF's then head of International Cult Education, Pastor Friedrich Haack of Germany, had worked with a Stasi agent in Munich, putting out the first AFF-sponsored "cult" slander against LaRouche in Europe. After German reunification, the German government discovered that the Stasi had pumped substantial resources into AFF's Stasi helper, Kurt Hirsch. At this point, AFF-affiliated operatives laid low.

Marcia Rudin, head of the AFF International Cult Education Program, filled Pastor Haack's function after he died. She, along with AFF's Ronald N. Loomis, run a network into university student personnel, campus newspapers, and campus security, who have been goaded into campaigns against LaRouche supporters. This is the source of the "cult" slander against LaRouche.

Irwin is the president of the Achelis and Bodman Foundations, in New York City. Along with Richard Scaife Mellon's Scaife Family Foundation, Irwin has bankrolled the AFF from its founding up to the present.

Irwin father, John Irwin II, was Henry Kissinger's Deputy Secretary of State in 1972-73. Scaife Mellon has also financed Daniel Pipe's Philadelphia Foreign Policy Research Institute (FIPRI), a U.S. support center for Ariel Sharon's crimes. Daniel Pipes has added to AFF propaganda, calling LaRouche a "conspiracy theorist." FIPRI was founded by Robert Strausz-Hupe, one of the seminal influences on Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Samuel Huntington.


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