LaRouche's Analysis on 9/11 Reported
In Pakistan News International
April 14, 2023

The following article was written by Dr. Manzoor Ejaz:

The US media war against terrorism seems like a never ending saga: One way or the other, images of World Trade Center is recreated everyday on radio, TV and newspapers. Obviously, the Bush administration is getting the maximum mileage out of this tragedy for its domestic political needs and to achieve its international goal of keeping the US as a dominating superpower. Lyndon LaRouche, a well known conspiracy theorist and presidential candidate in the last and coming election, believes that the US ruling elite has been conspiring against the world peace for many decades and terrorist attacks of 9/11 were part of a larger scheme. It is understandable that the US is hurt by incidents of 9/11 more deeply than most foreigners can realize. A nation whose mainland has never been attacked this way ever cannot take the wounds of this tragedy as a routine occurrence of history like many other countries of the world where destructions have been a part of collective consciousness. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was not even on its mainland and yet the nation has never been able to overcome that trauma. Furthermore, the vested interests, specifically, the military industrial complex, has also kept the pot boiling.

Seemingly, the same vested interests are keeping the ball rolling this time too. President Bush has immensely benefited from 9/11 tragedy by default. His approval ratings were sinking to historical lows before 9/11 but have not come down from a high of 80% since then: this is the highest level of approval rating any president has enjoyed for so long. Republican Party is hopeful to take back the Senate from the Democrats if their leader, President Bush, keeps his popularity intact. As the economy is in recession, the war rhetoric is the only sure instrument to keep the Republican Party in American public good books. Many observers underestimate the way US domestic politics is affecting Bush's agenda of war on terrorism. Domestic consideration are so pertinent that President Bush has not hesitated to take up a fight with his European allies by imposing sanctions on steel and certain other products. It was meant to please the states that voted for him in the last election: steel produced in these states was facing a tough competition from the Europeans, Koreans and Chinese. Understanding Bush's political motives, the Europeans have also targeted the exports (like orange juice and motorcycles etc) from these very states for sanctions. US politics has been manipulated by its ruling elite since many decades, asserts Mr. Lyndon LaRouche. In an interview for this column, Mr. LaRouche claimed that 9/11 tragedy was a result of a conspiracy hatched by likes of renowned foreign policy guru Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel Huntington, Harvard University Professor and Paul Wolfowtiz, Deputy Secretary of Defense. The purpose was to defame Muslims and whip up a new cold war in the world. He is convinced that the US conspirators, representing Anglo-American establishment, organized and knew about the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The US, maneuvered by the said conspirators, is expanding the war to control the Middle East and natural resources of Central Asia. In his view it is the beginning of larger war to be unfolded in coming months and years. Mr. LaRouche's pronounced thesis has been that world peace was sabotaged by President Harry Truman after the death of President Roosevelt. According to his elaborate theory, difficult to capture in this limited space, President Fanklin D. Roosevelt had forced British Winston Churchill to free colonies, including India. He claims that ongoing confrontation between India and Pakistan is a part of British evil design put in place after President Roosevelt's death. Mr. LaRouche refused to take sides on Kashmir conflict saying that it is a local contradiction that should be resolved by the parties concerned. Recalling history, Mr. LaRouche believes that President Roosevelt had an understanding with Communist leader to follow friendly policies towards each other after the World War II. However, pushed by the British, President Harry Truman and his colleagues broke the pledge and adopted confrontational policy towards its wartime allies. In his view, the British has been the main evil imperialist force behind the American policy. Israeli interests have also played a great role in shaping the US Middle East Policy. According to Mr. LaRouche destructive cold war US policies were articulated by Henry Kissinger and latter adopted and functionalized by Brzezinski who served as a National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter. Mr. Brzezinski was the architect of Afghan war that produced Taliban like forces. He is convinced that Taliban were created to destabilize the area. Their destruction is also part of a greater design to keep the world from harmony and peace. In his view, the war in Afghanistan is far from over; as a matter of fact it is expected to escalate in the near future. Pursuing misplaced policies, the US is also bent upon attacking Iraq in future, he adds. However, such an attack may not come for months because of weather consideration and other complicated contingencies. According to his estimates, the US army needs to move several hundred thousands of its personnel to that area if it has to conquer Iraq. In addition, the hot summer weather of Arab desert is not suitable for the US army. Therefore, according to his information, the US military has asked for time till October to undertake this mission. Mr LaRouche maintains that such unnecessary destructive wars are going to hurt the US economy. In his opinion, the US economy has been going down the hill since 1966. However, the present US economic crisis will be devastating for Americans and many other countries like Japan and Turkey. The US may go into a depression that is much may prove to be worse than the one the country experienced in 30s. Mr. LaRouche is not considered a mainstream politician or a widely known intellectual in the US. He is accused of leading a political cult and is often attacked by the mainstream media. Notwithstanding his conspiracy theories, he represents an anti-establishment streak in the US political discourse. One may not agree with his worldview (or his take on 9/11) entirely but his ideas about war and peace should be considered seriously. World needs peace and harmony as opposed to loud rhetoric of war in the US!
