LaRouche Made Honorary Citizen
 of S

o Paolo, Brazil

June 12, 2023

In a solemn ceremony June 12, U.S. Democratic Party Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. was awarded honorary citizenship for São Paulo, by the City Council of that city of more than 18 million people, the third largest in the world.

Addressing an overflow crowd of several hundred who attended the ceremony, LaRouche said that in these perilous times, it is his belief that there is no way the United States will come out of this crisis, without the founding of a community of principle among the nations of the Americas. Brazil has a particular role to play in any such endeavor, as one of the few countries in the world which still retains some significant degree of sovereignty, LaRouche said. I hope, by my coming to Brazil, that we can open such a dialogue with all the nations of the Americas.

LaRouche was invited to Brazil to receive this honor by Dr. Havanir Nimtz, the principal representative on the Sao Paulo City Council of the PRONA party, founded by Dr. Eneas Carneiro, one of Brazil's preeminent cardiologists and a former Presidential candidate. LaRouche and his wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, accompanied by Dr. Eneas, visited a plenary session of the City Council on June 12, and were introduced to the body by Councilwoman Havanir. The City Council session was later formally suspended, in order to convoke the special session awarding LaRouche his citizenship. The ceremony, held in an auditorium in the City Council building, commenced with a military band playing the national anthem of Brazil, and an a capella rendition of the U.S. national anthem. After the official proclamation was handed to LaRouche, Dr. Havanir and Dr. Eneas each spoke about Mr. LaRouche's work and contributions, honoring his role as an American statesman who stands up for all humanity.

If there is to be hope for the world, the United States has to be brought back to its senses, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche said in her brief remarks during the ceremony. There are two Americas: that which continues the intellectual tradition of its Founding Fathers, or that of the Tories, still allied to the British Empire. The decision to grant honorary citizenship to my husband, she said, sends the most powerful possible message to the world, about which United States the world wants.

LaRouche gave three public addresses during his week-long visit to Brazil, in addition to his speech to the City Council ceremony. In each, he warned that there is no solution within the existing international financial system: not one. Not for the United States. Not for Brazil. You must help replace the system, he told his Brazilian audiences, because both of our nations are heading straight towards a blow-out no different than what collapsed neighboring Argentina earlier this year. Perhaps next week, perhaps in some months, but it will occur soon. We have to change the rules. Can we not change the rules? Are we not human?

LaRouche's first public address, on "The Global Systemic Crisis and the End of ‘Free Trade,'" was given at a three and a half hour forum sponsored by the Alumni Association of the Superior War College (ADESG) and EIR, and held in the auditorium of the Latin American Parliament in Sao Paulo on June 11. Representatives of two of the principal power groupings debating what Brazil must do in this conjunctural crisis, offered their comments following LaRouche's opening remarks: former Superior War College director Gen. Oswaldo Muniz Oliva, and Cong. Marcos Cintra, who currently heads the Congressional committee which deals with the negotiations for the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA). An extended discussion then followed with the 120 representatives of the Sao Paulo business, agriculture, military, and university elite who attended. At the conclusion, the head of the ADESG in Sao Paulo, Adauto Rocchetto, thanked LaRouche warmly for speaking to them so directly, especially recognizing the fact that what he is saying, as an American citizen and an American politician, goes against what his government stands for and is doing around the world.

On June 13, LaRouche was the featured speaker at a business luncheon sponsored by the Sao Paulo Commercial Association, which drew over 40 of Brazil's leading businessmen, keenly interested in discussing new solutions for the global economic crisis, as Brazil's financial pyramid begins to crumble.

The following day, LaRouche was the keynote speaker at the Fifth "Brazil-Argentina: The Moment of Truth" Seminar, organized jointly by his associates in the Ibero-American Solidarity Movement (MSIA) and the Ibero-American Integration and Identity Movement (MINEII) founded by friends of Argentine Col. Mohamed Ali Seineldin. The seminar, held at the auditorium of the ADESG in Sao Paulo, opened to a full house, with a public exchange of ideas between LaRouche and Colonel Seineldin, the latter hooked up by telephone from his military prison in Argentina. LaRouche then addressed the political and epistemological basis on which successful integration of Ibero-America, as between any differing nations, must be built.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche opened the second panel of that seminar, with a presentation on the strategic importance of the Eurasion Land-Bridge for the integration of Ibero-America. Dr. Vasco de Azevedo Neto, former federal Congressman and Presidential candidate, followed her, with a presentation on the necessity of completing the Great Waterway, the name he coined for the long overdue project to link the Orinoco, Amazon and La Plata river basins of South America.

During their visit, Helga Zepp-LaRouche was also invited by the Sao Paulo State Appellate Criminal Court to discuss the threat of the New Violence, and her proposal for international legal action banning the most violent video games. She was introduced by the vice president of the Criminal Appeals Court, Dr. Renato Nalini, and addressed 80 people, among whom were 15 judges, the vice president of the Military Tribunal of Sao Paulo, and diverse representatives of civilian and military authorities, as well as lawyers and students.

More details of the LaRouches' trip, as well as transcripts of Mr. LaRouche's public speeches will be posted as they become available.

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