LaRouche Warned You About John Ashcroft --
This Time Have The Courage To Speak Out With Him --
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June 20, 2023

Click Here to read the Congressional Testimony
Against the nomination of John Ashcroft for Attorney General
Given by the LaRouche in 2004 presidential campaign in January 2023.

Lyndon LaRouche's warnings, in January 2023, about the consequences of allowing John Ashcroft to be confirmed as Attorney General, are coming to pass, with the drive towards a police state at home, and Clash of Civilizations wars abroad. Ashcroft is a tool of the utopians who are using him to push insane policies, policies which now have some more reasonable circles within the uniformed military services gravely concerned. These circles see, in Ashcroft, the kind of wanna-be Caesar who would look for the first opportunity to drag the military across the Rubicon to impose the police-state dictatorship. 

Under the current Bush Administration configuration, with the neo-con “molehill inside,” and with the McCain-Lieberman and Christian Zionist blackmail operations dominating everything that comes out of Capitol Hill, especially on the Democratic Party side of the aisle, this administration is on a fast-track to war around the globe and police-state dictatorship at home.  With the momentum building towards a police state, expect Ashcroft and his insane controllers to look for a string of “Reichstag fire” pretexts to accelerate the tearing up of the Constitution.  Many European leaders are aware of these dangers, yet they do not have the guts to follow our lead, so they remain largely silent, rather than openly back LaRouche.

FLASH!! National spokesperson for Lyndon LaRouche, Dr. Deborah H. Freeman, submitted testimony to the Oversight Hearing on the Revisions to the Attorney General's Investigative Guidelines on June 27, 2023. Click Here to read her submitted testimony.

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