The Eurasian Landbridge, a Silk Road for New Development
published in the Saudi daily Asharq Al-Awsat on
August 12, 2023

August 13 (EIRNS)--On Aug. 12, the London-based Saudi daily Asharq Al-Awsat, the world's largest Arabic business daily, published an article by Iqbal Al-Qazwini (an Iraqi citizen living in Germany) on LaRouche's Eurasian Landbridge as the correct strategy to save the world from the current crisis, and on Helga Zepp LaRouche's Bueso campaign in Germany as a turning point for Germany's modern political history.

Iqbal Al-Qazwini's article is titled "The Eurasian Landbridge, a Silk Road for New Development." She inaugurates her article by saying: "Calls for a new financial system have increased in recent years, in order to face the economic and financial collapse around the world." She cites examples of the "two-decades collapse of the American real economy."

"One of the most prominent advocates of a new system is the economist and politician Lyndon LaRouche (name spelled in both Arabic and English), a candidate for the 2023 presidential elections. He believes that the solution is to finance a gigantic project of building a land-bridge connecting Asia, Africa and Europe, as a new Silk Road. LaRouche's ideas have come under greater light recently, after the breakout of the financial scandals and the bankruptcy wave among major U.S. corporations," added Iqbal.

She reviews some of the features of the crisis in the past decades as described by LaRouche. Her review reflects LaRouche's triple curve function.

Then she adds: "From a reading of the hard reality, which is auguring catastrophe, came LaRouche and his institution Executive Intelligence Review's (name spelled in both English and Arabic) idea of building a system of Eurasian transport networks." Al-Qazwini, then, goes into some details of the nature of the proposed Eurasian Landbridge.

Al-Qazwini also referred to the internal political-economic paradox and the turmoil in the US, Britain, and Israel, the three imperial powers that want to wage a war against the world. She emphasized the Middle East would be the pivot and a connecting point for all continents on the new development road, if correct economic policies are adopted.

She emphasizes that "what is special about LaRouche is his view of the Arab-Israeli conflict, which is diametrically different from any other views, because he denounces the fascist policies of the Israeli army against the Palestinians." Moreover, she states, "LaRouche, in his political work inside the U.S., exposes not merely the Zionist lobby, but also those he calls the fanatic Christian Zionists. His institution also published a book on the lies around of the September 11 and their dangerous consequences. The authors of the book try to prove that power elements from within the U.S. government might be involved in these events, considering these events an internal coup d'état."

The last part of the article is dedicated to the Bueso campaign in Germany. "What remains to say is that LaRouche's ideas and those of his institution are the back bone of the political program of a German party calling itself ‘Citizens Rights Movement Solidarity'. This party is preparing to participate in the coming elections. It is headed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the writer and political activist, and also wife of the American economist. Although German political life is not void of leftist and even liberal political parties and forces that criticize Israeli acts against the Palestinians, Mrs. LaRouche and her party are unique in dealing with the situation in the Middle East with a truthfulness which German citizens have not been used to, the German citizens who have been told and reared since Germany lost the war to be cautious, and even being afraid of saying anything critical to anything Israeli or Jewish, lest they be called anti-semites."

Al-Qazwini concludes her article by saying: "If this party enters the German parliament, Germany would have passed a major stage in its post-WWII history, and would have to rise to a new and active role in shaping world politics. Today, the world stands at a crossroads. Probably, these proposed economic projects could become the first material nucleus for a dialogue among civilizations, which can pave the way upon which the human society could march towards true peace. The Arab and Islamic civilization, which has been acknowledged and accredited in history as a bridge between the Greek civilization and the European Renaissance, could, if it wanted to, to assume its prominent position again and contribute to changing its current condition and build a future of dignity for its peoples."


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