New Macedonian Magazine, Manifest |
August 13 (EIRNS)-- "LAROUCHE'S IDEAS ARE COMPARABLE TO A RED HOT METAL PENETRATING THE CONSCIENCE OF THE WORLD WHEN HE UNMASKS THE OLIGARCHIC DARK FORCES METHODS AND POLICIES." This is a passage from an article by the editor of Manifest, Mr. Krum Velkov. The magazine, besides the very prominent interview with LaRouche, presents a series of extremely polemical and well thought-out articles and commentaries. The new publication has been launched with an advertising campaign based on the slogan: "Read it and Think!" Groups of students have posted the poster in Skopje and the other major cities. The magazine's cover page title accompanying the photo of LaRouche is: "They want to involve us in a new world war!" Also featured is a microscopic photo of Ljubmir Frckovski, an adviser to Methodist fundamentalist, President Boris Trajkovski, and a former Foreign and Interior Minister now known as "the oligarchy's man in Skopje." Frckovski is the only Macedonian who has attacked LaRouche publicly. He wrote an article in a Macedonian daily newspaper, Dnevnik, "accusing" the Macedonian Government of "reading LaRouche." Here are the highlights of this issue:
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