New Macedonian Magazine, Manifest
Features Lyndon LaRouche

August 15, 2023

Click Here to read the transcript of
LaRouche's Interview

August 13 (EIRNS)-- "LAROUCHE'S IDEAS ARE COMPARABLE TO A RED HOT METAL PENETRATING THE CONSCIENCE OF THE WORLD WHEN HE UNMASKS THE OLIGARCHIC DARK FORCES METHODS AND POLICIES." This is a passage from an article by the editor of Manifest, Mr. Krum Velkov. The magazine, besides the very prominent interview with LaRouche, presents a series of extremely polemical and well thought-out articles and commentaries. The new publication has been launched with an advertising campaign based on the slogan: "Read it and Think!" Groups of students have posted the poster in Skopje and the other major cities.

The magazine's cover page title accompanying the photo of LaRouche is: "They want to involve us in a new world war!" Also featured is a microscopic photo of Ljubmir Frckovski, an adviser to Methodist fundamentalist, President Boris Trajkovski, and a former Foreign and Interior Minister now known as "the oligarchy's man in Skopje." Frckovski is the only Macedonian who has attacked LaRouche publicly. He wrote an article in a Macedonian daily newspaper, Dnevnik, "accusing" the Macedonian Government of "reading LaRouche."

Here are the highlights of this issue:

** Another column ("The Open Conspiracy") includes quotes from the recent LaRouche speech in Rome on the Middle East. Also reported are quotes from Mrs. Helga Zepp LaRouche's speech "Why are We Still Barbarians?"

** A long feature -- "How the IMF Executed Argentina" -- quotes from the speech of Dennis Small and articles by Cynthia Rush. The story is accompanied by a box with quotes from the New Bretton Woods parliamentary motion by Giulio Andreotti and the other Italian Senators, concluding with an appeal to Macedonia and other countries to act now.

** A long dossier -- "Macedonia must defend itself against the soft coup d'état" -- describes the penetration of the "International Community's" Fifth Column in particularly targetting Frckovski who is compared to Petronius Arbiter, the Magister Elegantiarum of Nero who, when the emperor changed his mind, was forced to commit suicide. The dossier includes short profiles of Transparency International, Soros Macedonia, ICG, IWPR, TRANSFUSE, et al.

** An exclusive investigative report on the origin of the NGOs concept, as an instrument invented by British Colonialism. Plus a devastating profile of  Frckovski ("The Fascist who wanted to be a democrat").

** A "Strategic Insight" by the Macedonian Government strategic adviser, Emilija Geleva: "Development versus Destabilization," which stresses the need for a large infrastructural development -- the Landbridge -- and a New Bretton Woods.

** The main editorial explains the raison d'être for Manifest, in the context of the historical confrontation between republican and oligarchic principles. "Manifest will be an instrument in the battle for the truth. For Macedonia... for Humanity." It stresses the importance of organizing youth into a real patriotic force that understands the real battle going on in the world right now. 

** An article on the "anti-Globalist" movement as an instrument of the Globalizers, with profiles of Goldsmith and Tony Negri, is aimed at educating the youth. "The real fight against globalization can only be based on the fundamentals of human civilization in its positive form: Sovereignty & Development..."

** The scientific column features "Back to the Moon, then to Mars" by Wendel V Mendel.

** Another article explains "What is Geopolitics."

** Plus the satiric page by Zyvko Pavlov and much more.


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