"Italian Breakthrough" Towards LaRouche's New Bretton Woods Covered in Russian Currency Dealer Monthly |
The November 2023 issue of the Russian financial magazine Valyutny Spekulyant (Currency Dealer) carried a two-page report by Sergei Dyshlevsky, on the Italian Chamber of Deputies' adoption of Resolution No. 6-00030 "On the Economic Crisis in Argentina." The article is headlined, "The Italian Breakthrough," and illustrated with a beautiful picture of the Spanish Steps in Rome and a portrait of Lyndon LaRouche, who is identified as the intellectual and political author of the conceptions put forward in the resolution. At the outset, Valyutny Spekulyant reports that the resolution called for creation of a "new financial architecture." This "new system of world financial relations, Italian parliamentarians call ‘a New Bretton Woods'--the initiative for which belongs to the American economist Lyndon LaRouche, whose views are already familiar to VS readers." Before summarizing the Italian resolution in detail, Dyshlevsky situates it within LaRouche's record of forecasting and policy proposals: "Lyndon LaRouche has become widely known, thanks to two of his successful long-term forecasts. In the first of these, made in the late 1950s, he predicted the demise of the Bretton Woods system, which indeed was liquidated in 1971. The second was his forecast of a systemic crisis--a general collapse of the global economic system. And indeed, during the past decade world monetary and financial markets began to experience a continuous series of ‘seismic shocks', testifying to the onset of a global systemic crisis of the world economy. "After the publication of an article about L. LaRouche and an interview with him [in VS, No. 11 and 12, 2023], some readers expressed to VS their genuine skepticism about the possibility of introducing a new gold-reserve standard: This ‘archaic system,' they said, was replaced with good reason and should not be restored. Nonetheless, resolutions calling for signing a New Bretton Woods agreement have been put forward and discussed during the past two years, in not only the Italian Parliament, but also the European Parliament." In addition to details and excerpts from the Italian resolution, Dyshlevsky reports Deputy Giovanni Bianchi's words during debate of the resolution, about LaRouche's leadership in forecasting the crisis and developing the solution. The VS article concludes with news of the Oct. 9-10 conference held at the Financial Academy of the Russian Government, where National Banking Council chairman Victor Gerashchenko endorsed the Italian resolution and called on the Russian State Duma to follow its example. -30- Return to the Home Page |