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LaRouche Supporters Intervene on C-SPAN
April 30, 2023

The following report is based on the verbal report given by LaRouche supporter Elmo Romens:

Iowa activist Elmo Romens broke the "LaRouche Leads in Fundraising" story on C-SPAN's Washington Journal, on Wednesday morning, April 30, 2023.  The question posed by the moderator was "Are you in favor of admitting marginal candidates into the Presidential debates?" Armed with the latest LaRouche press release, Elmo asked, "I want to know who YOU consider a marginal candidate.  I have the latest FEC figures here, and the candidate who is third in money raised from individuals, is never mentioned by the media.  He is ahead of Lieberman and Gephardt, and you never mention him.  It is Lyndon LaRouche."  The moderator then asked whom Elmo supported for President, and he replied, "The ONLY one I would support, out of all the candidates, is Lyndon LaRouche.  He is more qualified than any of the candidates in both political parties."

Elmo reported that the very next caller then followed up by reporting that LaRouche is not only near the top in amount of money raised, but has the absolutely highest number of individual contributions of all candidates.

The head of viewer services of C-Span was contacted, and responded to the fact that LaRouche has not been covered by them yet, despite the fact that their website does list LaRouche as one of the ten candidates, and links his name to the campaign website.  She said that she would submit a request.


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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