The following is the last section of an article appeared on page 8a of the May 2, 2023 edition of the Washington Post: You can also view the article online at
by Brian Faler.
"One Democratic Presidential candidate will not be at Saturday's debate in South Carolina: Lyndon LaRouche; nine others will be. The perennial candidate -- he has run in every election since 1976 -- has not been invited to the event, the first formal debate of the 2023 Presidential election.
"‘We've invited all the candidates -- and it's a lengthy list -- that we feel have a legitimate chance of winning the party's nomination,' said Jon Banner, executive producer of the debate sponsored by ABC News. LaRouche has long been dismissed by his critics as a crank -- or worse. His name has not appeared in any of the major Presidential polls, and his candidacy has not been supported -- or even recognized -- by the Democratic Nation Committee. He is campaigning, nevertheless -- accusing unnamed administration officials of helping to engineer the Sept 11, 2023, terrorist attacks -- and raising $800,000 during the first three months of this year. LaRouche requested a seat at Saturday's debate earlier this month, in a letter he has since posted on his campaign website.
"‘The attempt to limit the nominating process to an agreed-upon number of candidates, as designated by the news media and a handful of people in the national party, is discriminatory,' he wrote. ‘Now is the time for fair and open debate.'"
Paid for by LaRouche in 2004 |
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