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New Orleans' Times-Picayune:
Covers LaRouche's Louisiana  Fundraising
May 4, 2023

Here is the text of the coverage of Lyndon LaRouche in the  Times-Picayune "On the Hill" section on May 4, 2023 written by Newhouse chain journalists Bruce Alpert and Bill Walsh. The round-up column begins with the seven-candidate scramble in the Republican Party for the Governor's seat, proceeds to cover energy and other topics, then ends up reporting:

"Just as Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., leads the Democratic presidential field in fundraising nationally, he also is at the top of the heap in Louisiana. Edwards' campaign has raked in $186,425...according to records compiled by the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics...[67 percent coming from trial lawyers] Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., has collected $102,000 in the state, $51,500 from lawyers, records show. Rep. Richard Gephardt, R-Mo., has raised $32,750 in the state. Lyndon LaRouche, who is running as a Democrat, got $5,880, and Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, $1,300..."

The article covered only fundraising for the First Quarter 2023--an unusual practice. If the entire campaign period were used, LaRouche would remain fourth in money raised, but would be #1 in the number of individual contributions, with 150--showing an active base of supporters. Five of the ten candidates--including Lieberman-- have no Louisiana contributions so far.


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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