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Democrats.com chat about LaRouche:
This is a democracy?
May 6, 2023

The impact of the LaRouche youth movement has not gone unnoticed by Democrats.com. On their website today, some interesting comments were posted, which indicate a growing concern from Dem party regulars that the LaRouche youth movement -- because of how articulate they are at espousing their ideas -- may be recruiting younger voters "who really should be ours." The comments posted are as follows:

One guy says that LaRouche youth "show up periodically when Congressmen are having town meetings. They are young, articulate beyond belief, and look like the American well-scrubbed perfect young person. They give a spiel, and these young people can in a concise way completely describe and explain the dangers of the police state of the NeoCons.

LaRouche keeps saying he has as much money and as many votes as some of our leading candidates. I am not here to praise LaRouche. I am asking why we are letting [them and the Green Party] take younger voters who really should be ours?"

Another guy responds, "As for LaRouche I have a funny feeling we might not be able to marginalize him as easily as we've done in the past. If he's genuinely got a connect with young activists, then that is something that the party would want to piggy back off of since we need all the grass roots support we can get."

Then another correspondent named "the grinch" answers, "The young will respond to whomever spends money to attract them.  On college campuses across the country, you see a well-supported program in all schools put on the religious right, by Lyndon LaRouche, and by the Repugnants(?)."

May 10th update: Following a major influx of LaRouche Youth participants on the site's discussion forums, new rules were instituted: there is a special discussion page, almost hidden from the casual visitor, where discussions of LaRouche will be permitted, provided that no one posts any link to a LaRouche campaign site (all other candidates' links are welcome in the regular discussion groups). When one participant posted a satirical comment, along the lines of "Y'all will get along jes' fine here, once y'all learn the way things are done in these parts -- we call this 'separate but equal'", he was immediately, permanently banned from Democrats.com.


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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