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LaRouche On Washington Air Waves
May 16, 2023

LaRouche: This is Lyndon LaRouche, candidate for the Democratic nomination for President. I have approved the following message.

LaRouche: Post-war reconstruction -- an ideal model of growth. The problem is that you can't do it under this system, because the amount of financial debt and monetary debt on top of the production is so high that you cannot pay the financial charges. You cannot grow to pay off the financial charges because there is no capital to invest in things that are productive.

The world is bankrupt! What do you do with a bankruptcy? You go to government, and you put the bankrupt institution into receivership. You put the monetary system, and the financial system, into receivership. You reorganize the system to save the baby. If we were to do that, we could survive.

Announcer: Paid for by LaRouche in 2004. Visit www.larouchein2004.com


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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