Lyndon & Helga LaRouche's
Visit Bangalore, India
May 26-27, 2023

Lyndon and Helga LaRouche are welcomed as they arrive in Bangalore, India.
International Conference on "The World Situation After Iraq"

Held in Bangalore, India
May 26-27, 2023

Organized by:

Chandrajit Yadav, chairman of the Centre for Social Justice of India

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, chairperson of the international Schiller Institute

Banner from the All India Youth Center for Social Justice "heartily welcomes our beloved leaders".

Lyndon gave the keynote address to the conference.

LaRouche speaks with prospective members of the Indian LaRouche Youth Movement.

Panel of the "World Situation after Iraq War" conference.
(Helga and Lyndon LaRouche are the third and fourth from the right.)