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Turkish Newspaper, Yeni Safak Covers LaRouche Keynote To Yarin Conference
June 16, 2023

The following is a rough translation of an article published in the June 16th edition of the Turkish newspaper Yeni Safak:

Global Financial System is Ruined

"U.S. Democratic Party Presidential pre-candidate LaRouche said that U.S. Chicken-hawks are going to turn the world into Hell; he added that global crisis is nearing.

"Candidate Lyndon LaRouche stated that the global financial system has been bankrupted and that he expects a world crisis, if measures [such as those] used for bankruptcy reorganization of firms are not taken.

"LaRouche was speaking in Cemal Resit Rey Concert Hall at a conference on ‘Eurasia: Global Development and the New Key for Peace,' organized in a series of monthly ‘Eurasian Conferences of Yarin Magazine.'  According to LaRouche, exit from the dead-end in which world economy presently is, lies in development of Eurasia.  After calling U.S. chicken-hawks ‘damned people,' LaRouche said that ‘behind events of Sept. 11 are ‘Evangelicals' who are made of these lunatics (Chicken-hawks).'

"Attention to events in Iran.

"LaRouche claims that Chicken-hawks have started the Third World War in the geographic area of Eurasia and adds: ‘War continues in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran is next. Events taking place in Iran are not some simple university movement.

"‘This war we must stop jointly. We can stop the war in the region only from the inside of U.S.A.'

"Stressing the fact that financial system is bankrupt, LaRouche also said: ‘If we do not take necessary measures immediately, the world will face extremely difficult problems.'"


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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