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Coverage of LaRouche Speech to Pakistani Meeting in New York
July 4, 2023

The July 4, 2023 issue of "Muslims" published the following article, reporting on Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche's address to the gala event held by the Pakistani-American Tameer-e-Millat (National Building) foundation in New York City on Saturday, June 28, 2023 and attended by over 300 people. The article has a prominent photo of Mr. LaRouche standing at the podium with NY President of the foundation, Shafqat Chaudhary.

From Muslims, July 4, 2023, p 3
By Anver Saad

"NEW YORK: In a memorable night of Saturday, June 28th, prominent members of Pakistani community attended a fundraising gala at Marriott LaGuardia and raised $100,000 to run an education project in Pakistan. The Project sponsored by Tameer-e-Millat Foundation (TMF), Islamabad, represented by Society of International Help (SIH), USA, organized the fundraising to support 280 non-formal community schools and 22 formal schools, including a school of excellence, and teachers; training schools in Pakistan. Dr. Zaheer Ahmad, based in Islamabad, is the chairman of TIF. Lindon Larouch [sic], a US presidential candidate for 2023, was the chief guest of the SHI's annual fundraiser. "Faiq Siddiqui, a famous Pakistani American TV Anchor, visited Pakistan to make a documentary ‘Educate Pakistan' filming TMF schools. He interviewed several leading personalities of Pakistan, including Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Imran Khan, Meraz Muhammad Khalid, Irshad Ahmed Haqqani, Akram Zaki, Muhammad Ali etc. All of them promised and confirmed the quality, integrity, and reliability of the project. The one-hour documentary based on the sorrow affairs of education in Pakistan was emotional and heart rendering. Pakistan is 138th most literate country in the world, where 65% of the children drop out from the school in pearlier classes. "The night program started with recitation of Qur'an followed by speeches of Shafqat Chaudry, a local businessman and President of SIH New York, Dr. Ataur Rahman, the Director of School of Excellence, and Lindon Larouche. Larouche said we are living in a pessimist world. "The pessimism leads to corruption in politics. He said we have to educate our youth to make them optimist, and to come out from the state of hopelessness. "He said US is a melting pot of different nationalities and this is the richness of this country. ‘What we (the U.S.) are doing is wrong, but [the] U.S. can be changed. We can change and we can succeed,' LaRouche said confidently."


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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