James Yen, who runs an hour-long call-in show on Channel 67 of Manhattan Neighborhood Network, an over-the-air and cable station in New York, owned by Time-Warner, dedicated the Sept. 29 broadcast to Lyndon LaRouche, using clips from LaRouche's presentation to the ICLC/Schiller Institute Labor Day Conference. A pre-taped discussion with EIR correspondent Mike Billington was used to introduce LaRouche.
The LaRouche clips discussed the qualities required for leadership, Iraq, and his response to a question about Zionism. This last, which locates the contribution of the three Moseses to European culture, as opposed to the Jabotinsky fascist tradition of the Sharon faction, provoked a number of hysterical calls, which Yen handled calmly, explaining that he understood that this was very painful for people to confront. Other callers were anxious to get in contact with the LaRouche movement.
The show, which is also carried live on the Internet, will be rebroadcast on Oct. 13, at 4:00 EST.
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