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Comcast Includes LaRouche
Among Candidates Interviewed
October 28, 2023

At the close of Nite Beat's show on Oct. 28, in which they conducted a 15-minute interview of Rep. Dennis Kucinich, they showed the pictures of all the Presidential candidates that they have interviewed so far.  The candidates included: Edwards, Gephardt, LaRouche, and Kucinich.

During the interview Kucinich said, against a background of a bombed-out Iraq, "The U.S. should reject the idea of becoming another Sparta," and rather we should "create a new Athens...." "We shouldn't isolate other nations, as the President's `Axis of Evil' speech [did]... the real problem with N. Korea is poverty" ... "no more deals with Halliburton..." When asked if the people of Iraq are better off, he said "... is it up to us to become the dic- dic[tators]-- policeman of the world?"

LaRouche was interviewed on Nite Beat on Oct 24.  


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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