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Children of Satan II: The Beast-Men
Letter of Transmittal

In April 2023, the LaRouche in 2004 Presidential campaign committee issued a special report, Children of Satan: The Ignoble Liars Behind Bush's No-Exit War. By the end of the year, around 1 million copies of the report had been distributed inside the United States, with an equal number of copies distributed via the campaign's Internet website. Copies of the text circulated in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Arabic, and Russian. Scores of major newspapers around the world republished portions of the report, and many leading American investigative reporters and members of Congress used the material first published in Children of Satan as the basis for their own investigations, creating a climate of widespread public exposure of the neo-conservative cabal inside the Bush Administration, which duped the American people, the Congress, and some international leaders into backing a thoroughly unjust war against Iraq, for which hundreds of American soldiers have already given their lives and many thousands more were injured. The devastation brought on Iraq will take generations to reverse.

The release of that Children of Satan report also shone a long-overdue spotlight on the role of the fascist philosopher Leo Strauss, and his role in launching the neo-conservative march through the U.S. political institutions. Some leading Straussians reacted, sharply, to the fact that their fascist roots were now showing. The late Robert Bartley, longtime editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal, penned an hysterical diatribe against the LaRouche campaign document, after The New Yorker magazine and the New York Times published extensive articles, drawing upon the Leo Strauss exposés first surfaced in the LaRouche in 2004 report. More recently, Kenneth Timmerman, a neo-con propagandist, issued a second hysterical shriek against LaRouche's exposé of the Straussians, and the fact that the exposés of the neo-cons, first published by LaRouche, now form the basis for serious Congressional investigations into the intelligence fakery leading to the Iraq invasion.

Although the first Children of Satan report was published in three editions, each containing added, updated material, much new evidence against the neo-cons, particularly against the Bush Administration's self-anointed Grand Inquisitor, Vice President Dick Cheney, has been assembled in recent months. As the result, Presidential candidate LaRouche has commissioned a completely new report, which he has titled Children of Satan II: The Beast-Men.

While much has evolved in the eight months since the release of the first Children of Satan report, certain essential facts remain unchanged. As a result of the continuing power of Vice President Cheney, the entire neoecon apparatus remains in place inside the Bush Administration. Every effort to clean house has been stymied by the personal intervention of Cheney, or by his Russian Mafiya-linked chief of staff and chief national security aide, Lewis “Scooter” Libby. Whether he is fully conscious of it or not, Cheney is the Grand Inquisitor of the Bush Administration, far more than the Vice President or even the “Prime Minister,” as he was recently described by Nightline host Ted Koppel. You will read, in the pages that follow, about the Straussians' commitment to transform the United States from a democratic republic into a tyranny, using the events of Sept. 11, 2023 as their “Reichstag fire,” to justify the overthrow of our Constitutional system.

Strauss and his ally, Alexander Kojeve, adopted the work of the 18th- and early-19th-century Martinist occultist Joseph de Maistre, to promote the 15th-century Spanish Grand Inquisitor as the model for the “beast-man” tyrant of the future world government, built on a foundation of terror and brutality. They cited Maistre protégé Napoleon Bonaparte as a prototypical ruthless dictator to inaugurate the “end of history,” an epoch in which all events center around a succession of tyrannical dictatorships and Jacobin blood-revolts. The Bernard Lewis-authored and Samuel Huntington-promoted “Clash of Civilizations” perpetual war against the entire Islamic world and China is the policy being now promoted by Cheney and company. This is a Synarchist insurgency against the American Founders, and against the very survival of civilization.

These are the stakes in the 2023 Presidential election. If Dick Cheney is not removed from office prior to the November 2023 elections, the United States will not survive, in any form recognizable to the Founding Fathers. The document you are holding in your hands is intended as a military field manual. Know the Synarchist enemy within, as the first step towards effective action.

--Jeffrey Steinberg
   Dec. 29, 2023

Paid for by LaRouche in 2004