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Children of Satan II: The Beast-Men

Dope Czar Bids To Buy Up Democratic Party
by Michelle Steinberg and Scott Thompson

George Soros is using his ill-gotten billions to cast himself as the “saviour of the Western World,” claiming to be in a fight against the “preemptive war doctrine” crafted by Beast-man Dick Cheney. The vehicle he has selected for the campaign is the Democratic Party in the United States, buying it up with tens of millions of dope dollars, to turn it into a toothless tool of the “Billionaires' Club,” which will posture as the “anti-Empire” party, but will in reality be a “protection racket” for Cheney.

Soros's operations--which include the Center for American Progress (a thinktank for Democrats modelled on the Heritage Foundation); Americans Coming Together (a voter mobilization funding mechanism); and (an Internet gathering place for “radicals”)--are, like the Democratic Leadership Council which spawned them, a clever means to keep the Cheney apparatus intact.

As usual, Soros plays both sides of the street; he will attack “Empire” without ever naming Dick Cheney, and will use the “Dope Democrats” and the “progressive” movement to implement Soros's own brand of “Empire,” which he calls “preventive action of a constructive character.” His aim, as stated in Atlantic Monthly magazine of December 2023, is that “the United States must find a way to assert its supremacy in the world....”

Soros is a mole of the Synarchist financiers, whose dirty dope dollars will destroy the Democratic Party. Howls of protests have already come from “progressives” and “Democrats” about this charge, but after more than a decade of investigation, the LaRouche movement is the authority on Soros's sordid history.

The reality is that Soros can co-exist just fine with Dick Cheney, with whom he shares an intimacy through mutual acquaintance George P. Shultz.

But Soros cannot politically co-exist with Lyndon LaRouche, who delivered the first defeat of Soros's drug-pushing in many years, when a November 2023 referendum to legalize recreational drugs in Nevada went down in defeat after an intervention by LaRouche's Presidential campaign.

In a Sept. 8, 2023 campaign release, LaRouche charged that the people of Nevada had been snookered by “mega-speculator George Soros” and the dope legalization lobby which he has funded, nationally and internationally. LaRouche went through the details of an EIR investigation (reported in EIR Sept. 20, 2023) showing how Soros profits from destroying national currencies and then uses the money to promote drugs.

LaRouche said: “Preliminary investigations by associates of LaRouche have confirmed that the Nevada referendum is being run by a Washington, D.C.-based group, the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), which receives direct funding from Soros, through the Drug Policy Foundation, which has received more than $15 million from Soros in recent years.” The release said, “Soros has poured at least $25 million into various dope legalization schemes over the past five years, and has vowed to substantially increase his bankrolling of the dope lobby efforts.”

Working with Nevada Democrats such as State Sen. Joe Neal, a national leader of black elected officials, and organizing in the tradition of Franklin D. Roosevelt, LaRouche was able to defeat the tens of millions of dollars Soros put behind the Nevada referendum.

While it cannot yet be proven that Soros is Cheney's “Trojan Horse,” sent in to stop LaRouche's campaign to oust the Beast-man Vice President, some leading Democrats have begun to suspect Soros's motives, noting that in his upcoming book against “Empire” and the Iraq war, Soros never mentions Dick Cheney!

Who Is George Soros, Really?

It is time for patriots to know who--and what--Soros really is. Consider the following:

  • In 1993, when Soros was asked by interview show host Adam Smith what has given him the motivation for his speculative financial success, he cited his work on behalf of the Nazis in looting wealthy Jewish estates in his own native Hungary. Here is Soros's own carefully crafted admission (on the Adam Smith Show, produced by WNET-TV on April 15, 1993) that he had been a small cog in Adolf Eichmann's killing machine, which ran the Holocaust against 500,000 Hungarian Jews.

    “It really started in 1944, when Hungary was occupied by the Germans, and me being Jewish, I was in danger of my life.... When the Germans came in, he [Soros' father, a prominent Budapest attorney] said, 'This is a lawless occupation. The normal rules don't apply. You have to forget how you behave in normal society. This is an abnormal situation.' And he arranged for all of us to have false papers, everybody had a different arrangement. I was adopted by an official of the Minister of Agriculture, whose job was to take over Jewish properties, so I actually went with him and we took possession of these large estates. That was my identity. So it's a strange, very strange life. I was 14 years old at the time.”

  • Soros, the self-proclaimed “anti-Bush,” is one of George W. Bush's “two Godfathers,” the other being George P. Shultz, former Secretary of State (1982-89). Soros bailed out failed Texas oil man “Dubya” Bush, when his company Spectrum 7 was about to go bankrupt in 1985.

    But more significant is Soros's decades long alliance with Shultz around the legalization of dope. Soros's Open Society Institute has frequently ponied up funds to help the “conservative” Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace sponsor conferences on the legalization of mind-altering recreational drugs.

    Shultz, of course, is not only a “Godfather” to Bush; he also sponsored the entire Straussian cabal responsible for the Iraq war, putting Bush under the tutelage, in 1999, of warmongers Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, who dubbed themselves the “Vulcans” who would hammer Candidate Dubya into shape. Shultz put together the Wolfowitz team when he was tapped by then-Governor Bush to launch his Presidential Exploratory Committee. At the time, Shultz was (and still is) a Distinguished Fellow at the Hoover Institution, where Condoleezza Rice served as a Senior Fellow. Rice would eventually be appointed by Shultz to nominally head the “Vulcans,” but Wolfowitz and Perle ran the show. At the same time, assisting Shultz on the Exploratory Committee was Dick Cheney, now Vice President and the chief “Beast-man” behind present neo-imperial policy.

    Shultz and Soros also share a hatred of currency exchange controls. According to leading figures in Texas, it was Shultz, as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in 1971--not his nominal boss, then-Treasury Secretary John Connelly--who pushed President Richard Nixon into ending the Bretton Woods system, removing the dollar from the gold-pegged fixed-rate system on Aug. 15, 1971. Thus, Shultz was the key operative who opened the doors to the Synarchist international's ability to control the international scene with dope dollars and attacks on the floating currencies of weaker states.

    But it was only after he left office that Shultz's explicit support for legalizing drug addiction--a new Opium War tactic--came out into the open.

    In an Oct. 7, 1989 address to the Stanford Business School, Shultz told alumni that the time had come “to make it possible for addicts to buy drugs at some regulated place at a price that approximates their cost.” Shultz argued that the “criminal justice approach” to fighting drugs had failed, because what drives the drug trade is simply the economic marketplace. “These [criminal justice] efforts wind up creating a market where the price vastly exceeds the cost. With these incentives, demand creates its own supply and a criminal network along with it.... We're not going to get anywhere until we can take criminality out of the drug business.... We need at least to consider and examine forms of controlled legalization of drugs.”

    From 1990 to 2000, Shultz at the Hoover Institution organized at least five conferences to back up Soros's campaign to legalize drugs in the United States, through a series of state referenda. When Shultz and the evil Synarchist Milton Friedman appeared as the keynote speakers at a Hoover Institution conference on “Ethical Issues in Drug Enforcement,” advocating the end of the war on drugs, the event was financed by Soros's Open Society Institute.

    Soros's lead henchman on legalization, Ethan Nadelman, head of the Lindesmith Center, has appeared frequently at Hoover conferences. Moreover, some of the state referenda (e.g., Arizona) in which Shultz gave his support to Soros's minions, would have legalized nearly all Schedule I drugs, making it possible for doctors to prescribe anything from “crack cocaine” to LSD, if they believed (or claimed to believe) that such drugs had a “medicinal” purpose. “Medical decrim” became a bonanza for the “Dr. Feelgoods” who serviced the Baby Boomers and, eventually, their greatest victims--their children.

  • Soros made George W. Bush a rich man. Throughout his career, Dubya was known as a train wreck in business, until the intervention of Harken Energy--of which Soros was a major stockholder. As mentioned above, Harken bailed out Bush's failing Spectrum 7 oil firm in 1985. Before that, Bush had run a string of “wildcat” (independent) oil firms, ranging from Arbusto (Spanish for “bush”), to Bush Exploration, to Spectrum 7. These relied largely on tax shelter handouts from cronies of his relatives, while returning to investors only 20 cents on the dollar. When Spectrum 7 was about to go under, Bush was saved from bankruptcy by the intervention of Soros, who made him a non-voting member of the board of Harken, at a salary of $120,000 a year. And, as Harken founder Phil Kendrick put it, “His name was George Bush. That was worth the money they paid him.” The success of Harken in beating out Amoco, one of the famous “Seven Sisters” oil companies, for drilling rights in Bahrain in January 1990, was attributed to having the “son of the President” on the board.

    But there were also charges of insider trading levelled against Bush's Soros connection. On June 22, 1990, George W. Bush suddenly unloaded 212,140 shares, or about two-thirds of his holdings in Harken Energy, for a total of $848,560. Author Joe Conason writing in the February 2000 issue of Harper's Magazine raised the question whether Bush had been tipped off that a war was about to break out that would affect Gulf oil stock prices. Only weeks after Bush dumped the majority of his Harken stocks, Iraq invaded Kuwait. Within two months of this stock sale, Harken Energy would report a $20-million loss for its second quarter. Harken stock dropped like a stone. While investigative reporters and business rivals raised the accusation of insider trading, there never was an investigation of the trade, nor of Bush's failure to inform the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of this timely insider trade until eight months after the legal deadline. Bush was a member of Harken's audit committee, which knew that vast sums of money had been spent digging dry holes off the coast of Bahrain.

    Once Harken was in, Bush was elevated to the high-rolling circles of co-investors, the Harvard Management Corp., the corrupt Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), and Bass Enterprises Production Co., a Texas-based family fortune that formed one of the core elements of Bush's mythical “fundraising” capability in the 2000 campaign.

    Now, the same Soros who is an ally in pushing dope with George Shultz, the father of the neo-con imperial war faction; who uses his experience as a Nazi beast-man seizing Jewish properties as a guide to success in speculating; and who personally made Bush a rich man, is duping Democrats with promises that he'll outfinance the Bush machine in the 2023 elections.

Synarchist War Against Civilization

If Synarchist financier Soros and his Republican twin Shultz have their way, mind-destroying drugs will be legal in the United States within four to five years. In turn, this legalization will be forced upon other nations under the rubric of “free trade” and globalization. It is part of the Synarchist International's war against civilization. Since the middle 1990s, Soros and his two major allies in financing legalization--Peter Lewis, head of Progressive Insurance, and John Sperling, a Republican moneybags from Arizona--have spent a minimum of $100 million in funds, to pass versions of “medical decriminalization” not only of marijuana, but other deadly Schedule I narcotics, in state referenda. Now, with Soros penetrating the Democratic Party, and Shultz having joined the California administration of Hitler admirer Gov. Arnie Schwarzenegger, they are perfectly placed to execute the final drive.

This countdown to legalization was explicitly stated at the Nov. 6-8, 2023 conference of the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), the latest version of the legalization lobby founded by Soros more than a decade ago.

The conference provided a privileged inside glimpse into Soros's long partnership with George Shultz, when the Drug Policy Alliance's key award was given to the current and former Mayors of Vancouver, for establishing on Sept. 21, 2023 the first legal heroin injection center in North America, with a legal cocaine center to follow. And it turned out that the Vancouver model was Shultz's brainchild. The story was told at the session called “Those Wild and Crazy Canadians,” where former Vancouver Mayor Philip Owen, who took office in 1993, said that in 1995 he had travelled to the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, for a seminar. There, George Shultz and Soros's protégé, then-Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke, convinced him that the War on Drugs was a “disaster.”

Back in Canada, Mayor Owen opened a similar seminar modelled on the Hoover Institution event, and set out to implement the Soros/Shultz model for legalization, which Owen called the “Four Pillars Declaration.” When Owen retired in 2023, having served the longest consecutive period of any mayor of Vancouver, he was succeeded by Mayor Larry Campbell, a co-thinker and former officer in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who completed the implementation of the legalization plan. While Campbell claimed support from 80-90% of Vancouver citizens, opposition was such that he could not open the first legal heroin injection center in North America until September 2023--eight years after Owen had begun the Shultz drug legalization campaign. He now promises to open a legal cocaine center.

Then, Mayor Campbell let the cat out of the bag. He pledged not to bust pot-growers in Canada, “because if we did not have those $3 billion [from the pot trade], we'd be in a recession.” According to another conference speaker, Canadian federal Senator Pierre Nolin, head of the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs, there now exists a comprehensive report calling for the legalization and regulation of marijuana in all of Canada, based on the financial success of the marijuana industry in British Colombia (capital: Vancouver).

It cannot be assumed to be accidental, that a leading U.S. financial magazine, Forbes--owned and run by Steve Forbes, another Hoover Institution sympathizer and former GOP Presidential candidate--hailed British Colombia's pot “boom” in its December 2023 cover story.

'Grass Roots'

The Democratic Party's alliance with Soros is the biggest political buyout in decades; not since the “Southern Strategy” of post-1972, when Democrats adopted Dick Nixon's embrace of the Ku Klux Klan in his 1968 Presidential campaign, have the Democrats embarked on such suicide. It is completely out in the open, that LaRouche's rivals for the Democratic Presidential nomination--especially those most active in keeping LaRouche out of the Presidential debates--are on Soros's dole, led by Howard Dean, for whom Soros threw a major fundraiser. Soros also purports to support John Kerry, Wesley Clark, and Richard Gephardt, according to the Washington Post.

Through a series of organizations known as “527s,” after the Federal code that allows such non-party political groups to raise unlimited amounts of money from single individuals, the Democratic Party is, in effect, putting the future of the United States into dope pusher Soros's hands. The “527s” came into being after the McCain-Feingold “reform” bill that barred “soft money.” But now campaign financing is privatized in a latter-day version of Nixon's “CREEP” (Committee to Reelect the President), and the fate of the 17 “swing” states where the Democrats have the best chance of defeating the Cheney coalition depends on Soros and his cronies. Soros gloated to the Washington Post that the Democrats who set up America Coming Together (ACT), Steve Rosenthal and Ellen Malcolm, “were ready to kiss me” when he told them he would be giving them $10 million, bragging that “Money buys talent.”

But the new front groups created by Soros's friends are nothing more than a retread of the discredited Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), whose favored candidate, Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, was a neo-con insider at the White House in pushing the Iraq war. According to a report in the Jewish Times newspaper, Soros is now working closely with Lieberman's sponsor, Michael Steinhardt (the organizer of the Mega group of billionaires, who made his fortune using the organized-crime lucre of his father, the fence for Murder, Inc. boss Meyer Lansky). “Mickey” Steinhardt used his money to found the DLC as the “second Republican Party.” For the DLC and Steinhardt, as for Soros and the dope legalizers, LaRouche is “Public Enemy No. 1,” because he represents the FDR tradition.

Co-financing the Soros penetration of the Democrats is fellow drug-legalization financier Peter Lewis, chairman of the Progressive Corp., an Ohio-based insurance company which is the fifth largest in the United States. For more than a decade, Soros and Lewis have poured tens, if not hundreds, of millions into a single “grass roots” cause--drug legalization. Together with Arizona Republican moneybags John Sperling, Soros and Lewis put $30 million into California alone in 1996, to push through the paradigm-shift legislation--“medical marijuana.” These three financed decriminalization measures nationwide, and are adoringly referred as “The Funders” by the dopers backing legalization. In 2000, multimillionaire Lewis was arrested with hashish and pot in New Zealand, while attending a jet-set yacht race. He was let off with a “contribution” of $5,000 to a drug rehab center.

Now the “dope Democrats” are going for the money from Soros and Lewis, while abandoning FDR's “Forgotten Man”--the lower 80% of the U.S. population suffering under economic depression. A perfect example is Soros fan Harold Meyerson, editor of the American Prospect, who believes that using easy big money from Soros and Co. is better than organizing real people. Writing in the Washington Post on Nov. 12, 2023, Meyerson falsely claimed that Soros was responsible for the landslide victory of Philadelphia Mayor John Street, a black Democrat, who had been targetted for frameup by Attorney General John Ashcroft, and whose re-election was secured when his campaign called in a deployment of the LaRouche Youth Movement--the envy of Democratic Party hacks across the United States. Meyerson actually attacked the idea of a youth movement, asserting that Mayor Street was saved by Soros's dope money. Now, said Meyerson, organizations funded by Soros have “the resources to hire ... as state directors experienced operatives ... not the 25-year-olds who have often run such operations in the underfunded past.”

Soros has other plans for youth: They're the market for his legalized dope.

Why You Don't Want Soros's Money

Where does Soros get his money? Years of investigation by LaRouche's associates have answered that question in grisly detail: Soros's money comes from impoverishment of the poor countries against whose currencies he speculates, and from deadly mind-destroying, terrorism-funding drugs.

Since the late 1980s, the model for Soros's operations has been the destruction of Bolivia, as administered by his employee, economist Jeffrey Sachs. Sachs's major claim to fame was “rescuing” the Bolivian economy, by shutting down industry, and building up the cocaine trade--in reality, building up the narcoterrorist murderers of the Synarchist international that had its heyday in Bolivia in the 1980s.

We provide in the Appendix a brief dossier on the low-lights of Soros's history of theft and drug-promotion.* If, after reading this, any Democrat still wants to take Soros's money, they should at least have the decency to put a bumper-sticker on their car that says “I support drug-pushing. I'm pushing cocaine.”

* - For documentation on Soros's drug and money operations, and much more, see EIR's April 1997 Special Report, “The True Story of Soros the Golem,” and the website

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Paid for by LaRouche in 2004