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Vote for Lyndon LaRouche in 2004, Democratic pre-candidate for US President
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LaRouche in 2004 Radio Ad

LaRouche: This is Lyndon LaRouche, candidate for the Democratic nomination for President. I have approved the following message:

Announcer: Lyndon LaRouche's campaign is saturating Pennsylvania with LaRouche's new Strategic Doctrine to end the quagmire in Iraq, and develop extensive infrastructure for that entire region. To defeat George Bush, John Kerry and the Democratic Party must speak out like LaRouche on this issue. Here's LaRouche:

LaRouche: The bottom line is that we should be out of there now. Cheney is part of a bunch of nuts, who are fanatics. What they want are a series of wars, in order to establish the United States as an Empire. This thing is stupid. We did not have a military capable of dealing with the occupation of Iraq.

My view: Get our military out of there! Go through a reconstruction of our military, as we did back under Roosevelt. Let's go back to our tradition of a high-grade, scientifically-oriented military.

Announcer: On April 27th, vote Lyndon LaRouche, Democrat for President, in the Pennsylvania primary.Paid for by LaRouche in 2004.



Paid for by LaRouche in 2004