LaRouche in 2004 Press Release "Go Along To Get To Hell'' July 1, 2023--As recent proceedings in Michigan show, the Democratic Party leadership appears to have learned almost nothing from its own role in handing the Presidency to the present incumbent, George W. Bush, and putting John Ashcroft into the post of Attorney-General. Fortunately, despite the leadership of the Democratic Party, my interventions, as aided by the follies to the new Bush administration itself, had provided a rallying-point, around which, and by aid of which both Democrats and concerned Republicans have been able to act to bring a modicum of sanity into a still enormously perilous situation for our republic. Then, at the very point some Democratic leaders had resolved to defend the only functioning full-service general hospital in our nation's capital, pressures came down to prompt them to back away from their earlier, moral decision to save that hospital. These pressures induced those members of Congress to back way from their own resolution, in the name of party unity with those virtually trivial figures, those same corrupt Democratic officials, Tony Williams and Eleanor Holmes Norton, who had connived to assist real-estate mega-speculators in promoting Negro Removal through aid of closing that hospital. Now, the Senate which backed away from the Congress's urgent defense of the D.C. General Hospital, has excused itself by pointing to its qualified success, in passing an important bill, but one which merely touches one of the edges of the murderous attacks on the poor by such controllers of Williams and Norton as Lazard Freres' and the Washington Post's Katherine Meyer Graham. The death-toll allowed by their failure rolls on, and will pile up, day by day, until the Congress reverses the willfully murderous actions of Alice Rivlin, Williams, North, and others. While that death-toll rolls on, the issue can never be forgotten. Thus, the cortege of death rolls on, "going along, to get along," hearse after hearse, through the streets of Washington, D.C., and toward nearby Prince George's county toward which the slaughtered poor of Southeast Washington are being sent. That said, look at the pathetic efforts to relaunch the tragic candidacy of the pathetic former Vice-President Al Gore, seen in the recent Democratic event in Michigan. The silly chant about vote-counts in Florida is revived once again. There was not one word about Arkansas, the state where Al Gore could have won the national electoral college vote, but blew it. Not only did Gore and his henchmen steal the Democratic Convention candidates I had won in Arkansas, his candidacy for the November election was a confused and disgusting irrelevancy which virtually threw the national election to a Republican candidacy, who should has been as easily defeated in national debates as George W. Bush was overripe to do. Actually, it was the national leadership of the Democratic Party which, intentionally or not, threw the election to George Bush. The primary-vote-theft by the Democratic Party in Arkansas, as part of Gore's effort, in collusion with Associate U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, to have me excluded from the primary process, had helped to pave the way for Scalia to decide the appointment of George W. Bush as President. Now, under a newly appointed leadership, the party leadership is committing itself to make the same stupid mistake all over again. At least, that is the view from the recent meeting in Michigan. That is the view from the recent capitulation of the Congress to the murderous policies of Williams and Norton in Washington, D.C. Therefore, at the present moment, many might view the Democratic leadership, of both the party and the Congress, as President Abraham Lincoln came to view General McClellan, who wouldn't accept a decisive victory even when it was handed to him. McClellan, too, preferred to "go along to get along" with Democratic Party bosses, rather than claim a victory at hand. McClellan, it should be remembered, once fired for his antics, then ran for President on a platform of dividing, and thus destroying our Constitution and its republic. The reasons for his refusal to win decisive victories on the battlefield were no longer mysterious to any concerned observer. Today, the world as a whole is gripped by onrush of what will be soon recognized as the greatest financial collapse in history. We can survive this collapse, but only if we, together with other nations, accept the Franklin Roosevelt-like recovery measures which will give the world a brand-new international monetary system, and a return to those principles of economic policy which served us well until the disaster which the assassination of President Kennedy, the folly of Indo-China War, and election of Henry A. Kissinger's President Nixon unleashed upon the world. The Gore-Lieberman ticket, and Gore's faction in the Democratic Party leadership, refused, just like Governor George W. Bush., to face any of the relevant economic, and related general welfare issues threatening the nation and the lower eighty-percentile of family-income brackets. Thus, candidate Gore went down to the electoral defeat which he and the Party leadership had so richly earned. Now, if the referenced failure of the Congress and the Michigan events are indicative of a trend, the Democratic Party is once again committed to wrecking itself on the rocks, by following the same course it sailed in its wretchedly failed choice of Al Gore. In late 1999 and early 2000, many rallied to support a Gore, even while holding their noses, because, as they said, "We must go along to get along." They "got along," all right. They got President Bush. Now, the word of today seems to be, we must cling to the tradition of the year 2000 primary and general election campaigns: "Go along, to get along." The hearses keep rolling past, getting along as hearses do. Perhaps, this time, the party should decide more carefully, more rationally, where it intends to get, before it chooses which way to go. |