Press Release

Meanwhile on Wall Street...
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
 Wednesday, October 24, 2023


Oct. 24, 2023 - Meanwhile, Wall Street is enjoying a literally historical rally. According to Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, he is enjoying the biggest suckers' rally since Weimar Germany in the Fall of 1923.

Agreed, money is being created out of almost nothing, left and right. Unfortunately, corporations and unemployment are collapsing all over the place, including some of the biggest. Today's is the biggest rate of economic collapse U.S. history has experienced since President Herbert Hoover's reelection campaign promised to fill every chicken with pot --or, something like that. (Did you ever wonder what it is, exactly, that Chairman Greenspan smokes during those long hours he spends in his bathtub?)

Exactly which Democratic Presidential candidate was it, that you supported in the 2000 primary campaigns? Was it, perhaps, the Al Gore who promised you endless riches from that “new economy” which subsequently wiped out so many of Al Gore's voters, to the tune of trillions of dollars? What candidate told you the truth then, about what is happening now? Who would your Presidential candidate be today?

Some people never seem to learn from experience. Perhaps, that is why this is called a “sucker's rally.”

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