LaRouche in 2004
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Press Release

from Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Sunday, November 18, 2023

The vendetta against me from certain elements of the AFL-CIO bureaucracy, radiates chiefly from a network of former Communist Party U.S.A. General Secretary Jay Lovestone, Lovestone's long-standing patron, David Dubinsky of the ILGWU, Lovestone CIA crony and nut-case James Jesus Angleton, Lovestone's crony Leo Cherne, the International Communist Right Opposition, and, the latter's offshoot, the International Rescue Committee (which, since no later than 1933, was simultaneously an operation of Bukharin, Brandler, Thalheimer, Radek, et al. inside the Soviet intelligence apparatus, and the U.S. State Department--the latter via such channels as the daughter of the U.S. Ambassador to Berlin, and through a hole in a tree in a famous Berlin park).

One of the most significant cronies of Lovestone to the AFL-CIO, apart from Dubinsky himself, was the notorious Angleton who was ultimately fired, on grounds of insanity, from the CIA by Bill Colby. Angleton was notorious otherwise for his father, former head of National Cash Register's Italy division, and a decorated admirer of dictator Benito Mussolini, and among those closely associated with the notorious, lunatic American poet, Ezra Pound, who adopted insanity as the option for avoiding a treason trial and sentencing. Angleton was part of the anti-Roosevelt London staff of the OSS, who was shipped from London to Rome, after the war had been won and Mussolini dead, to serve under Allen Dulles' takeover of the Rome office of U.S. intelligence, a servant of Allen Dulles, either actually or implicitly, until the end of his life.

Until late during the 1930s, Lovestone bragged of being a Soviet intelligence asset of Josef Stalin, but officially turned against Stalin after the execution of Lovestone's Soviet crony Bukharin. Later, Lovestone and his associates entered virtually en masse into the U.S. foreign-intelligence operations, and became a key element of the U.S. intelligence operations under cover of both the AFL and CIO.

The attacks on me personally, from AFL-CIO circles, especially the foreign operations sections, have always had that special lunatic quality peculiar to the aberrant mental state of Lovestone, Angleton, and Cherne.

The answer to such charges from AFL-CIO reports should therefore be: every large organization has its nuts; those who attack LaRouche in the AFL-CIO are the AFL-CIO's nuts, usually in the Lovestone-Dubinsky, Angleton, Cherne tradition. Those nuts ought to admit to other AFL-CIO officials, the nature of their real, non-labor loyalities, and a lot of foolish, self-defeating behavior from within the AFL-CIO would come to an end, at long last.

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