Press Release

LaRouche Replies To
A 'Message From Laputa'
January 29, 2023

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U.S. Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. issued the following on Jan. 29, 2023, to "that libellous rant," by author Damian Ferrer, which appeared in the Jan. 28, 2023 edition of the Argentine financial daily Ámbito Financiero (see media grid for details). Although LaRouche's letter was delivered to on Ámbito Financiero Jan. 29, it has not yet appeared, so we are making it public here.


Implicitly, according to your Jan. 28th publication of a libellous piece by your writer Damian Ferrer, I have, in his eyes, committed the offense of mentioning the rope in the house of the hanged. The reality of the situation in which that piece appears, is the following.

Argentina is currently featured among a growing list of national economies, on all continentsexcepting perhaps Antarcticawhich are already gripped by the terminal phase of a threatened collapse into national bankruptcy. In my experience as a management consultant, and otherwise, I have often had the opportunity of observing the behavior of those who put themselves through unnecessary further suffering, by hysterical attempts to deny a simple, inescapable fact; they are bankrupt. As in many analogous cases of bankruptcy, by private firms, or governments, the bankrupt himself could be saved, but the financial system is doomed in its present form of organization.

Such is precisely the character of your publication of the mentioned item by Ferrer. Under recent decades' IMF conditionalitiesand present IMF policiesArgentina is, and would remain, hopelessly bankrupt. There are those in Argentina who would wish to deny that fact, or create a wild diversion in the effort to distract attention from what remains a simple, clear fact of financial accounting.

Therefore, I read the libellous editorial thrashing of Sr. Ferrer with an appreciation of the desperate nature of the situation which apparently motivates his reckless disregard for truth. Nonetheless, it remains an act in reckless disregard for truth.

The libellous aspect of the attack on me in your publication, is concentrated in the three following paragraphs. following the indicated sub-heading.

'Source of Inspiration'

"What was most surprising about her [Cong. Elisa Carrió's] speechas Ámbito Financiero wrote last Mondaywas her source of inspiration. LaRouche is a shady leader of the U.S. extreme right-wing, whose bizarre style and racist harangues, similar to neo-Nazi groups, have placed him on the fringes of his country's political life.

"Imprisoned for several years for fraud and tax evasion, LaRouche filed suit before U.S. courts and the media at the end of the 1980s, in which he accused Wall Street, the 'Jewish banks,' 'Washington politicians,' and international communism, of conspiring against him, and boycotting his run for the Presidency of the United States. For decades, he has been running for President in any election there was, as a Democratic Party pre-candidate in the Southern states, or as an independent.

"His writings focus on a supposed conspiracy originating in Babylonia, whose natural goal was to dominate the world, and which is carried out by 'Judeo-Masonic' lodges. The primary agents of this millenarian plan, would be the British Crown (the primary target of LaRouche's denunciations), Wall Street, and the Washington bureaucracy. His constant allegations of the strangest conspiracies, published in scandal-sheet media, has earned him a certain unusual notoriety. Among other things, he has charged that the Oklahoma City attack was organized by the Queen of England and that the Ku Klux Klan is in reality the armed wing of the B'nai Brith."

In his diatribe, Sr. Ferrer makes explicit reference to my website, to which any responsible publication would have gained access, prior to blindly repeating simple lies about my person and policies. The documentation of proof that those paragraphs are predominantly false, was amply available to Sr. Ferrer, had he any efficient desire to write truthfully. Therefore, since he states falsehoods concerning me which he should have known to be false, he has proceeded in reckless disregard for truth.

However, he has aggravated his libellous behavior, by putting himself, perhaps unwittingly, on the side of the most dangerous and powerful fascists rampant in the world today, the circles of that H. Smith-Richardson Foundation who sponsored the primary circulation of the specific set of falsehoods which Sr. Ferrer has recklessly adopted. H. Smith-Richardson is the principal funding conduit for that circle of so-called utopians, such as the infamous Samuel P. Huntington, who have proposed to redirect the military policies and strategic objectives of the U.S. into practices modelled upon those of the Nazi Waffen-SS.

It happens, that all of my principal U.S. adversaries in the U.S. political and military establishment, including the major print and broadcast media associated with those circles, are part of the same faction in the U.S. associated with H. Smith-Richardson Foundation. This is also the faction which has been crushing the states of South and Central America, over more than thirty years, especially since 1982. through the monetary and financial policies imposed under that same floating-exchange-rate system. It should be sufficient to compare the rank of Argentina's economy over the course of the past century, and, most emphatically, since 1982, to see how the peso was driven down into its presently perilous situation.

I am a friend of Argentina. Sr. Ferrer has insulted a friend of his nation. More responsible offices in Ámbito Financiero owe me, and also the people of Argentina, a public apology.

Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

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