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Press Release PRESIDENT BUSH HAD For a More Printable Version of this Release Click Here. |
Asked during the question period at his May 28 webcast about the charges that President Bush was alerted to the September 11 assault during August, Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche declared that the entire story is a “fraud,” being put forward by a bunch of "Democratic fakers." President Bush could not have known that al-Qaeda was about to carry out an attack, because it was not al-Qaeda who organized the attack. It was not in al-Qaeda's capability to launch the September 11 operation, which was, in fact, an attempted coup d'etat against the U.S. government.
To say that the President had access to information that al-Qaeda was about to attack, “is a lie,” LaRouche said. There was a general security threat to the United States in August of 2001, which he himself was involved in monitoring, but it had nothing to do with al-Qaeda. LaRouche elaborated: “I don't care how many times people have said, “al-Qaeda did it,” or “it came from Osama bin Laden,” it did not happen. Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda did not have the capability of even beginning to do what happened to the United States on Sept. 11. "So, you say you had information they were going to do it, just because you now wish to say they did it, it doesn't mean it's true. There is no truth to the official story about Osama bin Laden's being the author of what happened in New York and Washington, D.C. on Sept. 11. Nor has any government official, of any government ever presented the slightest whiff of credible evidence, or plausible evidence, to show that! No proof has ever been submitted! So, the government is around, bombing the world, and no proof has been submitted, that the alleged perpetrator actually did it! That's your FBI at work for you. “We're going to convict him anyway. Why bother with proof?” That kind of mentality. "So, the President did not have any such information. No one gave him such information. He didn't miss the boat on anything. What you have, is, you have a couple of Democratic fakers, who've gotten into the act, of the Joe Lieberman type, who're trying to spin this into a story of the incompetence of the President, who didn't know what was going on. Nobody knew what was going on, except the perpetrators! This was a highly sophisticated, military-type operation, which had been in preparation for a year to two years; highly planned; could not have been done by any of the so-called alleged perpetrators. "You have to ask yourself a question: All the planes were scheduled to go in the air, at the same time, about the same time. From Dulles and from Boston. Why didn't they hit Washington first? Look at the movements. Some of this on the Internet--reports of this stuff, in the declassified section, of the exact routes of these planes, and what time they were supposed to take off; how they maneuvered; how the maneuvers were coordinated. These planes each made a turn, after the previously assigned plane had made its hit! Why'd they hit New York towers? Because, whoever did it, intended to blame Arabs, tied to al-Qaeda, for it. See, what would have happened, if they had hit Washington first? They probably would have gotten the Vice President and probably the Secretary of Defense. What did they do, by hitting New York first? Well, remember in New York, there was a big agricultural fertilizer bomb, was put in the basement of one of the Twin Towers, in New York? There was a trial, up there; some people went to jail; this guy, who was tied to al-Qaeda--this sheikh, who had been a U.S. asset--tied to al-Qaeda, was indicted and convicted in the process? So, by hitting the Twin Towers first, you pin the tail on the donkey of al-Qaeda--at least in the minds of all paranoid Americans, of which there is an abundant supply; including, probably, the President, who is not exactly the sharpest intelligence agent in the world. "So, there was no basis for it. So, why does somebody come out and say they have evidence? The evidence is, a secret operation, which nobody expected hit. But, we had a great number of things, on which there were many reports floating around, and I was involved in some of this stuff: reports of security threats to New York and other places, associated with a terrorist component of the same people who ran Seattle, Genoa, and so forth. They were about to hit Washington in a way, which I said was a national security threat. So, I said, we have to look at this thing, when this kind of planning--and we looked at the way this thing was being covered up, the way this was being put in place: This was big. No responsible government would allow that to happen. An open plan for virtual insurrectionary state of affairs, in Washington, D.C., the nation's capital? What government in the world would let that happen? Would not intervene to head it off, before it happened? But they weren't doing it! "And, that was the big scandal. Sure, the President was briefed. Almost everyone, probably everybody in the Washington, D.C. police department was briefed on that one! Every police department and sheriff's department was briefed on that one! Of course there were reports all over the place. But, did it have anything to do with the story that's being told, about the claims made by the Democrats? Was there ever any proof that al-Qaeda was involved? Never. No proof has ever been submitted, and none could be submitted. Not conclusive: Because al-Qaeda couldn't have done it. It's not within their capability." -30- |