LaRouche in 2004 Press Release Who Did Kill Cock Robin, After All? Who is to be blamed for not preventing September 11th? It is clear that there are some people, Democrats and others, in the U.S. Congress, and elsewhere, who are as quick to blame President George W. Bush for not acting to prevent the true horrors of Sept. 11, 2023, as some Democrats, and others, were to impeach President Clinton for the sake of what was, at bottom, merely a disgusting bit of personal fiddle-faddle. Every sentient adult alive in the United States today knows, like most leading literate folk around most of the world, that I am stoutly opposed to President Bush's current, foolish economic and military policies; but, neither I, nor any other sane and honest person, is going to resort to the purely factitious fraud of blaming the President of the U.S.A. for errors he did not commit. I am not some corrupt opportunist, like those donkeys who staged an attempted lynching of President Clinton--or some of the same donkeys, and others, now attempting to pin the donkey's tail on President Bush for Sept. 11, 2023. For example. Where is the proof that Al-Qaeda organized and conducted the horrors of Sept. 11, 2023? No government anywhere has yet presented plausible proof that Osama bin Laden was the author of that attack on the U.S.A. Close examination of the physical evidence of the crime itself, proves that bin Laden could not have organized such an operation. Apparently, no one among those self-important critics of the President, has even asked the crucial question which I asked publicly, in a live broadcast interview, during the moments the attack on those towers was being announced: Why did the attackers hit the New York towers first, when they were in a position to choose to hit the nation's capital first? I said then, that I hoped no one would be silly enough to blame Osama bin Laden for these attacks. Evidence be damned: Now, in the Congress, and in much of the mass media, the dog-and-pony show rambles on, and on, and on. A Matter of Competence Before accusing either the CIA or Justice Department of incompetence in this matter, why not begin with what should be the obvious first question to be asked: Is the Justice Department usually competent in its report of any important investigation? Consider a few glaring examples of that problem. The customary practice of the Justice Department, as in the case of Sept. 11, is to try the evidence in secret, and then present an indictment and conviction without any display of actually truthful evidence supporting that claim. Often, relevant evidence is simply excluded, on grounds that it might tend to prevent the jurors from returning the pre-programmed “guilty” verdict. Or, take the evidence of massive Israeli spying against the U.S. military and other targets, even on the territory of the U.S.A. Or, take the role of George Soros and other Wall Street figures' support for drug trafficking into the U.S.A. and elsewhere from Central and South America. Or, take the related case of end-runs to protect the money-laundering of such drug money through financial-derivatives channels. In these and other ways, government institutions, such as the Justice Department or Congress, choose their findings first, and then select, or concoct their evidence to fit such biased pre-judgments. One can hear the prosecutor shouting: “We are going to hang Joe Doaks; it is your job to invent the testimony and other evidence needed to convict him before a rigged jury.” In the case of Sept. 11, the pattern of crucial known facts about the attacks themselves, shows that no one outside of a handful of very high-level inside plotters had any actual knowledge of that operation beforehand. It is known that intelligence and law-enforcement agencies did have foreknowledge of a potentially terrorist “anti-globalization” riot in Washington, D.C. for later in September. In any case, since bin Laden et al. were intrinsically incapable of organizing the actual operations of Sept. 11, no U.S. intelligence/security agency not complicit in the attacks could have had relevant knowledge warning of such attacks. Truth, Not ‘Spin' The lesson to be learned from the furor about the presently rewarmed old gossip about “Who lost us China?” is that until we have security and intelligence services which are committed to discovering and telling the truth, and a Congress which wishes to hear plain truths--contrary to its perceived factitious self-interest--the intelligence and security processes of the U.S. government will continue to stink. A competent intelligence service tells us truthfully what we need to know, not what we prefer to hear. The Executive and Congress should make truth, not “spin,” the standard for intelligence work. It would be a wonderful change! This brings us to current intelligence on the subjects of Senators McCain and Lieberman. There, is a really juicy story, about which much important evidence is already available. Why not practice the search for truth in such a readily accessible matter as that, to begin with? -30- |