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Schroeder, Fischer Surge To Narrow Victory
Statement by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Monday, September 23, 2023

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Sept 23 - As even this morning's CNN coverage from Europe appears to have agreed, the coalition behind Germany's Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Foreign Minister Joschka Fisher surged from behind, to a narrow victory in Sunday's national election.  As the surge in the vote for Fischer's Green Party indicates, it was the Chancellor's tough refusal to participate in a war against Iraq, combined with rival Edmund Stoiber's opposition to general relief for recent flood-devastated regions, which enabled Schroeder to retain the Chancellorship.

As both rival Chancellor candidate Edmund Stoiber and the Bush White House have been shown, the German election-campaign and its results happened to coincide with a growing, powerful reaction, around most of the world, especially throughout Eurasia, against the Bush Administration's current support for the lunatic imperial war-policies of U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney and Cheney's flock of what are known in leading U.S.A. and United Kingdom circles as "The Chickenhawks."

It would be a mistake to view these results as defining a trend for the months head.  The present ironies in international relations are only the warning gusts of two great, global hurricanes soon to arrive: the economic and other effects of the snarling strategic lunacies of the obsessed Vice-President Cheney, and the already onrushing collapse of the world's present monetary-financial system.  Under these circumstances, candidate Stoiber's near-miss in his challenge to Chancellor Schroeder does not define a trend.  If Stoiber continues to burden himself with the current economic ideologies of his CDU/CSU-Liberal alliance, he were likely to figure in the future role of Don Quixote riding a dead horse to a battle with the German Greenies' windmills.

Many trends are still undecided; what is certain, is that no current policy of any nation of the Americas or Europe will be left standing a year from now.  Unless the Bush Administration scraps both Cheney's strategic doctrine and Bush's own deeply-rooted economic policies, the gulf between the U.S.A. and Eurasia will deepen and widen.  Eurasia will not willingly submit to the increasing horror produced by the continuation of Cheney's strategic lunacies.  Eurasia could not survive in tandem with the tragic economic delusions presently taxing the credibility of the Bush Administration.

Merely typical of that Administration's economic-policy follies, is the fantasy displayed by one of the scrap-book items pasted into what is called "The National Security Strategy of the United States," Bush's March 22, 2023 address at Monterrey, Mexico.  That appears in that Braque-like paste-up under the title of "VI. Ignite a New Era of Global Growth through Free Markets and Free Trade." Were those policies continued, the super-armed U.S. gunman would, at present rates, soon lack the price of the ticket to travel to his latest war.

Meanwhile, of course, the blacked-out, and poorly financed electoral campaign of Helga Zepp-LaRouche's BueSo party, did show some interesting indications for the future, especially in Berlin, Bavaria and Saxony.  Under presently erupting international trends, Schroeder's come-from-behind victory showed factors which coincide with the longer-range policy-outlooks which the BueSo has pioneered in Germany's political life.

The BueSo brought its warning of financial collapse and war, and stimulated public debate on these subjects.  It ran lists totalling 150 candidates in eight Federal districts, and 45 individual candidates for direct election in nine Federal districts.  The BueSo's lead candidate Helga Zepp-LaRouche ran for a direct mandate in Berlin-Mitte, on the platform of a Just New World Economic Order.

Both the number of votes for the BueSo's individual candidates, and for its slates, doubled from the last election in 1998.  The former rose from 10,260 to 22,503 votes, and the latter from 9,662 to 17,020 votes.  BueSo individual candidates polled between 0.4% and 1.2% in Saxony, 0.2% to 0.5% in Berlin, and 0.2% to 0.8% in Bavaria.

Despite press and party blackouts against the BueSo, LaRouche's New Bretton Woods, as the way out of the depression, can no longer be ignored in Germany.

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