LaRouche in 2004 Press Release Why We Must Land on the Moon The following is suitable for reading aloud by honest priests and pastors in churches. There can be no hesitation on the matter of defeating the Moon cult now. Once Larry Hecht's paper (in progress*) is completed, all of the essential facts proving the case are in. The facts are such, that only by landing, full force, on the Moon cult's continuing role as the keystone, ultra-gnostic element of the postwar international fascist movement, is there a possibility of saving the world from a plunge into a new dark age. Fortunately, the Moon's present self-exposure renders it vulnerable to induced self-destruction. Take, for example, the characteristic defense proffered by corrupted, nominally Christian churches and also an increasing number of U.S. politicians designated as of African descent: "We need that sex-peddler Moon's money!" Read a famous story by Stephen Vincent Benet, "The Devil and Daniel Webster." Compare the Moonie approach to the prospective Judases of the pulpit with the role of Benet's Satan, "Mr. Scratch." Compare "I Come Up With The Scratch," Moon's pitches to the corruptible, with the curious dogma of the "elect" as spread by the neo-Manichean Cathar cult, as the latter is mimicked by the Physiocrat Quesnay, and with the pitch of the original incarnation of "Elmer Gantry," traitor Aaron Burr's grandfather, Jonathan Edwards. Compare the dupe who succumbs to such gnostic blandishments with the Biblical case of the salty Mrs. Lot. This aspect of the case can not be separated from the curiously monied Moon cult's keystone role as the official chief pimp of the post-1949 fascist international. Look at the who, what, and when of the cult's NATO-sponsored origins, back then, among certain relevant family circles in Korea and Japan. Look into roots to be found in the connections of the first and second Sino-Japan war, and subjugation of Korea, during the 1894-1945 interval. Take the scandalous connections of Col. Oliver North and Leesburg's Nestor Sanchez, and the U.S. creation of Osama bin Laden, as merely one example of the connections to drug-trafficking money and the "Chickenhawk"-connected, worldwide fascist international today. Then, as Larry Hecht does, take a step backward, to the British origins of the Moon cult in nuclear-preventive-warrior H.G. Wells' and Bertrand Russell's combining "world government through 'preventive' nuclear terror" with "peace through satanic varieties of new world religions." E.g., "Moral Rearmament," the origin of the Moon cult of "sex as a world religion." Will the Real Satan Now Stand Up?So, Wells and Russell designed and launched, simultaneously, both "preventive nuclear war as the road to world government," and "world submission through moral disarmament." So, Britain's King Edward VII, in his capacity as Prince of Wales, begat the career of Thomas Huxley, who begat H.G. Wells. That Prince of Wales was manufactured by the tutelage of Lord Palmerston and the grandfather of Bertrand Russell. But, the Jeremy Bentham who begat Palmerston, was misbegotten by the British East India Company's Lord Shelburne, who was produced by the Anglo-Dutch liberalism of John Locke, as dispensed by the butcher William of Orange. The Anglo-Dutch liberalism of William of Orange, was the bastard offspring of the infamous two "Its" of early Seventeenth-Century English decadence, Francis Bacon and the Thomas Hobbes, known to intimates as "Hog," and often alluded to as "Old Hob." The mated pair of Bacon and Hog was the progeny of Venice's Paolo Sarpi and Sarpi's household lackey, Galileo. Will the original Satan now please stand up? -30-