LaRouche in 2004 Press Release LaRouche Extends An Offer The so-called Blair six-point compromise plan being circulated as of today at the United Nations is a non-starter. Any so-called concessions that still revolve around a time deadline, simply mean that at some near-future point, the world will be back at the same point of imminent war. Such a compromise, by its very nature, is no better than war, because it leads, at some point down the line, to war. What is required is an appropriate path for war avoidance. The only basis for solving the present crisis is the following:
Once these two actions have been taken by the President, the basis will have been set for reaching a deal with Saddam Hussein, to avoid a needless and devastating war. On this basis, the Administration, with the assistance of the governments of continental Western Europe, Russia, and China, must immediately move to solve the North Korea crisis. An institutional mechanism must be established for the restoring of dialogue with Western Europe. The key issue is the economy. Germany has already put proposals on the table for the revival of the German economy, based on Eurasian trade and rebuilding of infrastructure. On this basis, a global reconstruction effort can be launched, in which the United States can play a role, in keeping with the American System policies of the first hundred years of our republic. Once the Iraq war has been called off, and cooperative mechanisms established between the United States and Europe, it can be fairly expected that both Russia and China will play a vital role in settling the North Korea crisis. Lyndon LaRouche has offered, under these circumstances, to take up the role of interlocutor to the North Koreans. LaRouche has indicated his willingness to travel to Pyongyang, to meet with Chairman Kim Jong-il, to find out, in direct dialogue, what he really wants. LaRouche's well-known credentials as a leading opponent of the Iraq war afford him a unique opportunity to open such a private probe to the North Koreans. LaRouche's involvement would be predicated on a clear signal of cooperation for this effort from the government in Beijing, as well as in Washington. Given the crisis nature of the situation, in North Asia, in the Middle East, and globally, it is appropriate for LaRouche to be making this diplomatic offer openly, in public, rather than through quiet back-channels. -30-