LaRouche in 2004 Press Release The Truth About U.S. Imperialism The increasing rage, from around the world, against the tyrannical follies of the current U.S. Bush Administration, tends to assume the form of a delusion among the U.S.A.'s critics, which could be as deadly to the world at large as the folly of the neo- conservative Chickenhawks' present control over U.S. domestic and foreign policies. The reasons for such blunders by some Europeans should have been obvious. The rising popular delusion among the U.S.A.'s foreign critics falsely attributes the combination of the President's unilateralism and his Chicken-hawk captors' imperialism to a specifically U.S. origin. What befuddles the Europeans, and others, thus far, is that the origin of both the presently onrushing collapse of the world monetary-financial system, and the imperial-war impulse, is the virtual takeover of the U.S. economy, the President, and the forces exerting top-down control over both political parties, by the successful importing of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal system of William of Orange and John Locke into a presently controlling feature of post-1964-1971 U.S. economic practice. To emphasize the crucial point, what affrights the world about the United States today is the lawful fruit of the same liberalism which is still a controlling influence within Europe (and other locations) today. For related reasons, there are self-deluded ideologues within Europe--as Angela Merkel's visit to the U.S.A. reflected some leading circles in Germany's CDU-CSU--who assume that a the catastrophic aftermath of a successful attack upon Iraq will weaken U.S. power, to the degree that Europe would then have more leg-room for expressing its own specific self-interests. Germans of that persuasion, for example, are to be compared to the deluded state of Marie Antoinette's "Then, let them eat cake." The combination of the actual unleashing of the control of U.S. policy by the nuclear-weapons utopians of the U.S.A. and Israel, would mean prompt descent into an early dark age for Europe, and sundry other parts of the world. Only a European leader in a towering state of terror-driven denial would draw a contrary conclusion. Face reality. The neo-conservative Chickenhawks, as typified by Wolfowitz and Perle, are essentially neo-Nietzschean fascists of the Leo Strauss, Carl Schmitt, Martin Heidegger, Michael Ledeen, et al. variety. They are, like Adolf Hitler in the bunker, doomsday utopians, enjoying a narrow but nasty base of support in the ranks of the illiterate unwashed Armageddon fetishists. They are not representative of a financial aristocracy--although not lacking the propensity to steal--but of a caste of feudal lackeys, which has taken control over the affairs of their masters' estates. The notable obsession of this pack of lackeys is their devotion to Bertrand Russell's doctrine of conduct of preventive nuclear war as a way of terrifying the world into submitting to a utopian world government of the qualities proposed by Russell and H.G. Wells. Their gospel is H.G. Wells' 1930s movie, "Things to Come." What is to be observed in Washington, is this lackey class (including Conrad Black's 2023 "Bull Moose" candidates McCain and Lieberman, and Black's resident lunatic, Laurent Murawiec) seizing control of policy-shaping from the hands of the professionals and the financier circles themselves, just as Hitler took power from the hands of those such as the backers of Hjalmar Schacht. The issue of war against Iraq thus packs into a single package, President George "Hindenburg" Bush's putting some Chicken-hawk Hitlers into power on the pretext of the Reichstag arson. Fools greeted Hitler's appointment by Hindenburg as temporary affront to political good taste. Acquiescence to the alleged "inevitability" of the Iraq war, should remind us of the foolish German generals of 1933-1934 who abandoned Chancellor von Schleicher for "reasons" no worse than those of Europeans prepared to accept the "inevitability" of an Iraq war today. Those German generals, among others, paid dearly for that mistake on the matter of von Schleicher, in July 1944. The cost to the world today, would be far worse. In other words, the proverbial "bottom line" is, that there is no hope for the world in the near-term--perhaps for generations yet to come--except on the condition that certain sweeping, axiomatic changes are effected within the U.S. political system about now. There exists no alternative pathway to security for any part of the world. In fact, there are two most crucial implications of the kind of denial of reality we discover among relevant Europeans. One is the set of points just outlined above. The second is, that the continued influence of Anglo-Dutch Liberalism in Europe, as in Angela Merkel's CDU or Westerwelle's FDP, prevents the victims of the delusion from considering the urgently needed adoption of Franklin-Roosevelt-like economic-recovery measures. The latter delusion prevents Europeans who are victims of that ideology from recognizing that only political overturn of that form of Liberalism in the U.S.A.--the so-called "American Tory" form of the dupes of John Locke--would free the U.S.A. from the deadly form of combined unilateralism and Chicken-hawk imperialism menacing the planet today. -30-