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Lyndon's FDR vs. Joe's Hitler
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
March 14, 2023

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The decisive issue of U.S. policy in the Democratic Party today, is the fight between those who back the strategic posture recently stated by Senator McCain's warmongering crony, Senator Joseph Lieberman, and those who are committed, as I am, to applying the lessons  of President Franklin Roosevelt's successful leadership over the 1933-1945 interval, to the present global depression.  I point to the ugly fact of Lieberman's recent policy declaration, in which he demanded that discussion of the U.S. economic crisis be banned, in favor of focussing popular  attention totally on rallying support for the war-policy of Dick Cheney's Chickenhawks. Lieberman also demanded, explicitly, that the legacy of President Franklin Roosevelt be rejected.

There are two leading points to be emphasized in this, the third of my series of short AM Briefing reports on the nature and origins of the present imperial war-drive by Cheney's and Rumsfeld's Chickenhawks (see "How Liberalism Created Fascism" and "The Truth About US Imperialism").  First: consider those fundamental differences on economic policy between FDR and Hitler, which are now, once again, the crucial issues inside U.S. domestic and foreign policy.  Second, focus upon the significance of the backing of the  2023 "Bull Moose" candidacies of "Tweedledum" McCain and "Tweedledee" Lieberman by press-imperialist Conrad Black's nuclear Chickenhawks' roost, the Hudson Institute.

As documented in the complementary studies by Michael Liebig and Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and others, the 1931-33 alternative to bringing Hitler to power in Germany, was posed by Dr. Wilhelm Lautenbach's presentation to a 1931, secret, high-level Berlin meeting of the Friedrich List Society.  Had Lautenbach's proposal been implemented, rather than the fiscal austerity follies of ministerial Chancellor Bruening, Hitler could never have come to power in 1933. Through the implementation of policies akin to those of Lautenbach, President Franklin Roosevelt averted an intended fascist takeover of the U.S.A.  Had a coup orchestrated by New York-financed London banker Montagu Norman not pushed President Paul von Hindenburg into dumping Chancellor von Schleicher, on January 28th, to install the choice of Germany's liberal party leader Hjalmar Schacht, Adolf Hitler, on January 30th, it would have been Kurt von Schleicher, not Hitler, heading the government of Germany at the time Franklin Roosevelt was inaugurated as the new U.S. President. Germany's and U.S.A. policies would have been complementary.

The imposition of  spiraling fiscal-austerity programs, such as those being accelerated within the U.S.A. today, creates the condition under which a monster like Hitler, or an ugly McCain-Lieberman "Bull Moose" third-party combination, may become able to grab power. The Lautenbach proposal of 1931 typifies the alternative to such ugly scenarios, still today.  That policy, when studied in the light of the successes of FDR's recovery programs, would have worked to prevent that  economic-cultural breakdown then;  the same principle could work in the U.S.A. and elsewhere today.

Against that ominous historical background, contrast President George W. Bush's pathetic version of "a fiscal stimulus package" to the genuine alternative posed by the Lautenbach and FDR precedents.  The President's - - and present Democratic Party leadership's refusal to launch, or even tolerate discussion of an FDR-style, infrastructure-based type of stimulus program, is already tending to create the preconditions for the kind of U.S. fascist dictatorship which the Hudson Institute's McCain- Lieberman "Bull Moose" project threatens to bring into being by January 2005, or even earlier.

President Bush is right in thinking that the collapsing U.S. economy desperately needs a Federal stimulus package.  His mistake is attempting to breed by stimulating the sexual passions of the wrong choice of species.

The President had the misfortune to enter adulthood at a time that the official Indo-China war was already under way, and the perversion of the "rock-drug-sex youth-counterculture" was rampant on the university campuses. including his own.  Then, or in his business experience, or experience in government, later, he never had adult experience of the way a real economy works; he belongs, in fact, to a generation of university-trained strata which is predominantly ignorant of the way in which real wealth is reproduced.

He belongs to a generation which, in large, has become obsessed with immediate pleasure-seeking, and with the usurer's delusion, that it is money breeding money, which is the principle of wealth.  So, we should not be surprised to see, that neither he, nor any visible figure of his government, appears to know what a healthy economy is. Therefore, his financial schemes do nothing but provide hyperinflationary stimulus to the same monetary- financial policies which have undermined and wrecked the U.S. economy, increasingly, over the entire period of three decades, since the trio of Henry Kissinger, Paul Volcker, and George Shultz foisted their August 15, 1971. "floating exchange-rate" monetary  swindle on John Connally and  President Nixon.   There lies the source of the danger of fascism currently typified by the Hudson Institute's disgusting duo, McCain and Lieberman.

What Must Be Done: Then As Now

The immediate problem of both the Federal and state governments, today, as in 1931-1933 Germany, is that the use of fiscal austerity measures in the attempt to balance government accounts, is the medicine which kills the patient, rather than the disease.   Such fiscal-austerity measures might appear to balance the accounts of state and municipal governments over the short term of a few months, but, beyond that point, the result will be the hopeless bankruptcy of those governments, and explosive social conditions for a terrified and desperately ruined citizenry in general.

The alternative, as emphasized by Lautenbach in 1931, as by FDR, is to increase the rate of physically productive employment, up to the level that the resulting increase of the tax-revenue base brings currently incurred accounts into balance, or slightly better.  There are chiefly three ways in which state, local, and national government can produce such beneficial changes quickly.

The foremost action by governments, beyond emergency general-welfare relief measures, is accelerated investment in creation of needed public works, chiefly by activating well- defined public works investment in public transportation especially mass transit, generation and distribution of power, water management, urban development, land management for conservation, forestation, space-oriented science-driver programs, and health-care and educational facilities and programs.

The second class of actions by government, is the mobilization of credit and selective investment-tax-credit for assistance in the area of physical production, such as farming and manufacturing, by the private sector, emphasizing private entrepreneurship more than corporate absentee shareholder value. The combination of the investment tax-credit and accelerated space-mission programs by President Kennedy's Administration, is typical.

The third class of government actions, is establishing long- term, low-interest, government-regulated technology-sharing programs of between twenty-five to fifty years maturities, with foreign partners.

In adopting such measures, we must proceed from the painful lesson of two generations' experience.  We must recognize that the economic collapse of the world's present, doomed monetary-financial system, is the result of a wrong turn made, in the U.S.A., as under the United Kingdom's first Harold Wilson government, since the time of the launching of the official U.S. war in Indo-China.  The cultural-paradigm-shift of 1964-72, aggravated by the inevitably ruinous 1971-2003 "floating- exchange-rate" monetary-financial system, was a truly tragic kind of folly.  We must combine the rebuilding of the house which FDR built up out of the ruins of the Coolidge-Hoover Depression, with an orientation to the vast markets for long-term technology- sharing investments opening up in Eurasia.

We must let the present collapse of the U.S. economy bring us back to our senses.   We must build a new more durable system of global security, chiefly by taking a leading position in promoting advance of humanity from childhood to the maturity of a set of relations among states composed as a community of principle among perfectly sovereign nation-state republics.

That is the only effective way to defeat both the current world depression and the fascist schemes of the neo-conservative imperialists allied with John McCain, Joe Lieberman, and their Chickenhawk accomplices. Learn the lesson of Hitler's 1933 accession to power, while the choice is still available to you.

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Paid for by LaRouche in 2004
