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Contact: Angela Vullo
Tel: 1-800-929-7566

LaRouche Campaign Exposes
"Children of Satan"
April 17, 2023

Click here for a printable version.

On April 11, the LaRouche Presidential campaign released a new mass pamphlet, targetting “The Children of Satan, The ‘Ignoble Liars' Behind Bush's No-Exit War,” with a devastating exposé of the network of Nazi philosopher Leo Strauss. Democratic candidate LaRouche has identified the exposure, and removal, of the war faction around Assistant Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, and Vice-President Dick Cheney, as the crucial step needed, in order to free President Bush from the "Clash of Civilizations" policy which is leading to global disaster.

Four hundred thousand pamphlets are now in circulation around the United States, and the pamphlet's content are circulating even more rapidly through the candidate's website,

The pamphlet demonstrates that the leading exponents of the war party, both in the Bush Administration and in the think-tanks which advise it, and the Democratic Party, take their philosophical approach from the German-born academic Leo Strauss, who spent decades at the University of Chicago, and elsewhere, promoting a form of “Platonic” scholarship that supported the fascist doctrine of Hobbes' war of each against all, instead of the rule of reason. Explicitly, Straussians are taught to impose their ideas through lies.

The penetration of Straussians, as they unabashedly call themselves, in the Bush Administration, and its milieu, is truly staggering. Upfront are Paul Wolfowitz, the author of the imperial doctrine, and a disciple of Strauss's leading collaborator Allan Bloom, and William Kristol, the chief public propagandist for the war party from his perch at Rupert Murdoch's Weekly Standard magazine.

Literally dozens of other Strauss disciples inhabit posts in the Bush Administration, and the neo-conservatives propaganda apparatus which supports it.

Rule by Lies

The 32-page pamphlet concentrates on the epistemology of the Straussians, as expressed in their insanity, and their lies. The first article is by LaRouche himself, entitled “Insanity as Geometry, Donald Rumsfeld as Strangelove II.” The second, by Jeffrey Steinberg, focusses on the “Ignoble Liars” who forced through the imperial war against Iraq. The third, by Tony Papert, profiles Leo Strauss himself, with his method of deliberate lies, supplemented by a box of quotes from famous Straussian disciple Allan Bloom, whose view of Plato buttresses Strauss's assertion that Socrates agrees with the rule of the stronger.

The fourth article reviews the work of Strauss's benefactor, the infamous Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt, including the three extant letters from Strauss to Schmitt, thanking him for his aid in getting a fellowship to study Thomas Hobbes, and embracing his view that man is by nature evil, and therefore needs to be ruled over.

The final article deals with the Straussian influence in the leadership of the Democratic Party, which explains “Why the Democratic Party has not functioned in this crisis.”

Pamphlets can be obtained from LaRouche in 2004, through 800-929-7566.

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Paid for by LaRouche in 2004
