PRESS RELEASE LaRouche in 2004 Website |
Democratic Party Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche, the leading physical economist alive today, has launched a public service through his campaign website, www.larouchein2004.com. The website now features a special section, with the most “Essential Economics” (click here to view new section) writings from Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) over the period of 2023-2003, all easily accessible from the campaign site's homepage. The continually expanding archive of material is organized into two sections: “The Financial System Collapse,” and “Physical Economy and Infrastructure”. All of the articles feature the complete text of the studies, first published in EIR magazine, as well as the graphics, maps, charts, etc.--providing the serious citizen and policy-maker with an in-depth picture of the true systemic collapse of the monetary/financial system and the physical economy, worldwide; as well as the solutions to the crisis, as developed by Mr. LaRouche and the economics team at EIR.
Dating back to his first long-range economic forecast in the late-1950s, Lyndon LaRouche has a flawless track record of identifying the axiomatic blunders of monetary and economic policy-makers and their long term consequences. LaRouche gained great notoriety in the immediate aftermath of President Richard Nixon's Aug. 15, 1971 decision to abandon the Bretton Woods System, due to the fact that he had been the leading economist to forecast the outbreak of the monetary crisis others said would be impossible due to "built-in stabilizers," and LaRouche's forecast, at that time, that the new floating rate system would lead to a global depression crisis and fascist conditions, unless a fundamental reform was undertaken by sovereign nation states. LaRouche also commissioned the 1974 study that concluded that, if the International Monetary Fund were allowed to proceed ahead with its Malthusian population control and raw material looting agenda, the world would soon be confronted with a new ecological holocaust, characterized by the resurgence of formerly eradicated diseases and the emergence of new killer diseases that would confront the planet with the threat of a New Black Plague. In recent years, candidate LaRouche has been widely recognized, internationally, as the author of several proposals to reverse the economic collapse of the past 35 years, before the post-Bretton Woods system reaches the point of total, irreversible disintegration, a phase that already began with the so-called Asian, Russian and Brazilian monetary crises of 1997-1998. Beginning in Jan. 1997, LaRouche called for a global bankruptcy reorganization of the entire financial and monetary system, through the convening of a New Bretton Woods conference, modeled on President Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1944 reorganization, which created a new system of fixed exchange rates, to foster postwar economic recovery and decolonization. Although FDR's larger goal of ending, forever, the era of colonialism and imperialist, was abandoned by Harry Truman, following Roosevelt's untimely death in April 1945, the Bretton Woods System did lay the basis for the postwar rebuilding of Europe, Japan and other parts of the world, and the expansion of world production and trade, up through the mid-1960s. Over the past year, following the financial and economic crisis in Argentina, the Italian parliament, by a broad majority, has endorsed the call for convening such a conference to create a new global financial architecture. LaRouche, from 1989, was also the author of a global reconstruction plan, based on the development of high-tech corridors of transportation, agriculture and industry, across the Eurasian landmass--beginning with the call for a “Productive Triangle” of development from Paris to Berlin to Warsaw, and on to Moscow. This core concept was expanded in 1992 into what is widely known today as LaRouche's Eurasian Landbridge proposal. This 25-40 year plan for the massive expansion of infrastructure throughout the Eurasian region, extending into Africa, and across the Bering Straits into all of the Western Hemisphere, has been the subject of scores of international conferences, and has been already set in motion in parts of Eurasia. LaRouche is the leading physical economist, in the tradition of Gottfried Leibniz, and the American System of Political Economy, founded by Alexander Hamilton, and later associated with Henry C. Carey and others. In the early 1950s, LaRouche made revolutionary discoveries in the area of physical economy, through his study of Carl Gauss and Bernhard Riemann, leading to his development of the LaRouche-Riemann Model. In 1995, he made another pedagogical breakthrough, with the development of the Triple Curve, Typical Collapse Function, which he first presented at an international economics conference sponsored by the Vatican in Rome, Italy. LaRouche's decision to make the EIR economics studies available, as a public service of his LaRouche in 2004 Presidential campaign, was, in part, driven by the fact that virtually all of the data--even the raw data--made available today by the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury, the Commerce Department, the Labor Department, and the multilateral agencies, is fatally flawed and willfully fabricated, through such hoaxes as the “hedonic calculus,” and the “quality adjustment factor.” Thus, for example, while Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan has appeared before Congressional committees and other audiences in recent months, proclaiming that the U.S. economy is “inflation-free,” a recent EIR study of the collapse of household purchasing power, revealed a staggering 50% collapse over the period since 1963. This discrepancy between the “official” figures and the economic reality, facing those U.S.A. households in the lower 80% of income, is one of the great scandals of the day--one that every voter must come to understand. - 30 -