The U.S. led attack on Iraq is the most serious development in the 21st century, the beginning of a new millennium, that has raised some fundamental questions about the international orders, the rights and obligations of sovereign nation-states, and the use of force in pursuit of objectives that are questionable.
The massive military attack by Anglo-American forces was carried out in spite of globally widespread demonstration by peace-loving people against the war, the opposition of majority of members of the UN Security Council, especially of three permanent members of the Council. It is significant that in spite of the majority of the UN Security Council strongly supporting it, the process of peaceful resolution of the situation, especially Iraq's disarmament of weapons of mass destruction, was not allowed the opportunity to work through the UN established inspection system which was proceeding satisfactorily. Since the matter was under active consideration of the UN Security Council, whose primary responsibility continues to be international peace and security, U.S.-U.K. decision to proceed with the war on their own without a UN mandate assumes even more serious dimensions. The war, instead, was launched in great hurry.
The charges that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction in violation of its international treaty obligations and UN resolutions, and that Iraq supported international terrorism, were used as the main reasons for launching the war under the principle of pre-emption against a threat to U.S. security. However, in continuation of the reports of the UN and IAEA inspection system, and in spite of the most intrusive and extensive search by the occupation forces during and after the war, no evidence to support U.S.-U.K. claims has been found so far. On the other hand, there are many media reports that U.S.-U.K. intelligence reports cited I support of their case at the UN to use force are considered highly questionable.
The ostensible reason for the war was also based on the concept and goal of "regime change." The United States administration has also raised the prospects of the need to change regimes in other countries. It must be emphasized that this concept completely, and cynically, undermines the very concept of sovereign states and violates the UN Charter that are the bedrock of the international system. We call upon major countries like China, France, Germany, India, Japan and the Russian Federation to initiate a process of dialogue with the United States to evolve a common approach to effectively meet the challenges of international peace and security in future based on the principles of the UN Charter and Panchsheel.
The world situation today as a consequence of the war on Iraq demands the people of the world to come together as they showed in simultaneous demonstration in 354 cities of the world before the war started to take an active part in promoting the peace and prosperity with dignity and social justice in the world. Establishing a just an equitable economic order in the world is an urgent necessity if the vast majority of people in the world are to enjoy the benefits of human and scientific progress. People's will in expanding democratization of the world is the surest way to guide political will towards this direction.
Development leading to war, especially the position adopted by some of the leading powers, demonstrates that the International Order is becoming less aligned. This opens new opportunities to strengthen the process and build a more cooperative International Order. What we need is a new community of nation-states, non-aligned in military terms, but aligned against all forms of political, social and economic injustice, and a global movement to pursue a new just political economical order.
The people of Iraq, already living under severely adverse conditions for years have suffered immensely from the war, and its longer-term effects are still not clear. Administration in the country has completely broken down and little or nothing has been done by the Occupying powers to control widespread lawlessness, criminal activity, looting and killings with pervasive insecurity leading to phenomenal humanitarian hardships and challenges. There is an urgent need for all countries and humanitarian assistance to rebuild a shattered society. Above all, a Government of Iraqi people must assume full powers for the governance of Iraq at the earliest. Regardless of the event leading to the war, this now must now constitute the highest priority for the world and the UN.