LaRouche in 2004
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Press Release
Contact: Angela Vullo
Telephone: 1-800-929-7566

LaRouche in 2004 Campaign
Releases Special Report:
"How to Reconstruct a Bankrupt World"
June 4, 2023

June 4 -- LaRouche in 2004 today released a new special report, entitled "How to Reconstruct a Bankrupt World," and featuring a beautiful four-color reproduction of a TVA project on the cover. The 152-page report contains the proceedings of the March 21-23, 2023 Bad Schwalbach conference. The Campaign is asking for a $100 contribution. To order copies call 1-800-929-7566.

The Letter of Transmittal follows:

LaRouche in 2004, the campaign committee for Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche, is pleased to reproduce here the full proceedings of a conference which occurred on March 21-23, 2023, in Bad Schwalbach, Germany. This Schiller Institute event, devoted to the topic of "How To Reconstruct a Bankrupt World," featured Presidential candidate LaRouche as the keynote speaker, along with a host of economists and political figures from many of the world's major nation-states.

While LaRouche's campaign committee has already produced a special pamphlet featuring his keynote presentation at this event, the campaign has decided to publish this extensive report on the conference as a whole, in order to give Americans, and others, insight into what LaRouche has been doing internationally.

What is evident from these proceedings, is the fruit of decades of work by Lyndon LaRouche, to create the basis for the establishment of a new, just international monetary system. As a candidate, LaRouche has campaigned for returning to a U.S. foreign policy, and monetary policy, which features collaboration with other nations in a set of international reconstruction programs, led by the Eurasian Land-Bridge. As an economist, LaRouche has fostered an international process of discussion, to help bring together leaders who are prepared to implement those policies, hopefully in cooperation with the United States.

How important LaRouche's international work has been to world politics, was demonstrated by the way in which nations such as France and Germany effectively, if indirectly, coordinated with the LaRouche movement in the United States, in order to jam up the Iraq war for many months. All of a sudden, many of LaRouche's supporters in the United States understood the crucial difference which LaRouche's activity outside the United States has made.

LaRouche's sustained effort to build the basis for a new monetary system, among leaders in Russia, China, Korea, Italy, and elsewhere, promises to be even more crucial. Here, in these proceedings, you get a glimmer of the dialogue which has been in process, and the influence which LaRouche's ideas, as an economist and a political candidate in the United States, have had on the thinking of nations looking for a way out of the New Dark Age into which the current world economic breakdown crisis, and Anglo-American imperial faction, are leading us. You also see many useful ideas being floated for getting us out of the crisis.

The conference proceedings which we reproduce here, were presented to about 550 persons, 120 of whom were youth. Although the primary language was English, many of the speeches had to be translated for publication.

A final note: Since the subject of reconstructing the world economy will become an ever-more central issue in world politics over the months ahead, we decided that these proceedings would be more useful if we added an Appendix on the two major programmatic initiatives, made years ago, by LaRouche on the economy and the monetary system. Thus, you will find in the Appendix to this report, documents which provide the essential background on the New Bretton Woods proposal, and the Eurasian Land-Bridge. Further material on these proposals, and their history, can be found through the LaRouche in 2004 website,


Paid for by LaRouche in 2004