PRESS RELEASE LaRouche praises European Infrastructure initiative, |
July 3--Speaking to an international webcast in Washington, D.C. on July 2, Lyndon LaRouche pointed to the importance of the initiative being taken that same day by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who was presenting plans for a European Investment Bank before the European Parliament. That presentation, in favor of a large-scale infrastructure program, not unlike FDR's, LaRouche said, represents "a change in the world economic and financial situation."
Later, in answer to a question posed by Nevada State Sen. Joe Neal about 16 states being in emergency sessions over funding collapse, LaRouche said that the kind of approach to funding infrastructure which Berlusconi was proposing, is precisely what's necessary for the U.S. states to resolve their problems. LaRouche said:
LaRouche summarized the kinds of projects involved--water, power, land resources improvements, etc., stressing that, "It's a Federal government responsibility. And it would take one thing; one good imitation of what Roosevelt did with the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, with a mission orientation, and Federal legislation behind it: I think a five-page piece of legislation, through the Congress, signed by the President, would be enough to get the job done." - 30 -