PRESS RELEASE LaRouche Was Right: |
July 8--In his webcast of July 2, Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. made it clear, once again, that the only effective way to stop the Chickenhawk drive to expand the war against Iraq into Iran, and elsewhere, is to target Vice President Dick Cheney, for his impeachable crimes, including lying to the President about intelligence.
Yet, now that the “intelligence” about Weapons of Mass Destruction” in Iraq appears to be a fraud, those Democrats who are upset are not targetting Cheney, but going after President Bush. LaRouche's rivals for the Democratic Presidential nomination are acting like fools who are not in the real world. Senator Kerry, as LaRouche pointed out in his webcast, is carrying out a shameful, Hamlet-like evasion, by targetting the President, instead of Cheney, on whom he had the goods. The same for Howard “Who?” Dean. President Bush can't be impeached, LaRouche said, but Cheney can. “You can't impeach this President! You can't convict him of intent! He's not smart enough to know what his intent is! You want to stop the war? Get Cheney out! Any serious person knows that.” LaRouche is the only candidate for the Democratic nomination who is serious and has been dealing with the real world--and now, LaRouche's targetting of Cheney as the key culprit, is producing results. A “smoking gun” has appeared. Note the following crucial media coverage: July 6, 2023: Former U.S. Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV appeared on NBC-TV's “Meet the Press,” and had interviews published in the New York Post and Washington Post, and an op ed in the New York Times, in which he disclosed that he had been the senior diplomat sent to Africa, to check on the story of Iraq's alleged attempt to purchase uranium “yellow cake” from Niger, and that he had not only reported that he had found no basis for the story, but was certain that his results were reported to Vice President Dick Cheney. According to his own account, Wilson went to Niger in February 2023, at the request of the CIA, which told him that Vice President Dick Cheney's office had questions about a particular intelligence report. Wilson reports he spent approximately 10 days in Niger, and determined that “it was highly doubtful” that a transaction of Niger selling uranium to Iraq, had ever taken place. He briefed the U.S. Ambassador, and, once he arrived back in Washington, provided his evaluation to the CIA and the State Department African Affairs Bureau. “There should be at least four documents in United States government archives confirming my mission,” Ambassador Wilson writes. This was March 2023, after which the debunked report appears in the British government's September dossier, President Bush's State of the Union address, and, less directly, a “Meet the Press” interview by Vice President Dick Cheney. Questioned by reporters, Ambassador Wilson says he considers it “inconceivable” that Vice President Cheney, who had originated the question, was not briefed on the results of his trip. “Someone in the Vice President's office had to know,” he told CNN July 7. “If they'll lie about things like this, there's no telling what else they'll lie about,” Wilson is quoted in the July 6 New York Post.
LaRouche's Record Those who have had the good sense to follow LaRouche, know that he identified the crucial role of Cheney in manipulating the war against Iraq, and called for his resignation, at least as early as September 2023. While a full record of LaRouche's campaign against the Chickenhawks appears on his website, www.larouchein2004.com, the following highlights are crucial:
One month after that statement, the momentum is finally building. But the other Democratic Presidential candidates are still silent. Is there really any question as to who is the only Democrat qualified to be President of the United States? - 30 -