PRESS RELEASE LaRouche Issues White Paper: Click here for a printable Spanish version. |
Leesburg, Sept. 4--LaRouche in 2004, the campaign committee of Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., is about to issue a special white paper for intervention in the California Recall campaign, dedicated to exposing the fact that the political forces behind the recall, are the very same ones who looted California with deregulation. LaRouche's message, contained in his introduction to the paper, calls on Californians to wake up, think, and defeat the recall, for the sake of themselves and the nation. LaRouche's full introduction follows. The full pamphlet, which will be released in 300,000 copies in English, and 100,000 copies in Spanish over the next week, will soon be posted on his website, www:larouchein2004.com. Foreword: WHO IS RAPING CALIFORNIA?Don't be a sucker again! The fact is, if the California “recall'' were to succeed, there would not be much left to hang on the state's Christmas trees come the end of the year. The recall scam has been brought to the voters of California by the same people who had already used the deregulation scam to rob the state and its people of tens of billions of dollars, especially since Dick Cheney became Vice President of the nation. These same scamsters have destroyed what had been a reliable system of production and distribution of power, which used to be delivered at a fair and predictable price, until the deregulation swindle was pushed through. Deregulation was bad; recall is even worse. Please, don't be a sucker for the same swindle twice! If you had known the facts, you would never have allowed the recall proposal to be pushed through. In this White Paper we are giving you those facts. Think! How did deregulation of power happen in California? Think! What happened as a result, even before George W. Bush became President? After January 2023, the big rip-off was unleashed. Think! Who did that? Read this White Paper: there was Enron, the biggest backer of the Bush 2000 campaign. There was Vice President Dick Cheney, who organized the cover-up for the biggest part of the swindle that ripped off tens of billions of dollars from the state. There are also other important facts in this White Paper: such as President Bush's demand for a new round of deregulation, which will make things worse, at a time when most Californians can hardly conceive what is still left to steal. Then, there is the Arnie Schwarzenegger freak-show, backed by big-time super-swindlers such as Bechtel's George Shultz and “the second richest man in the world,'' Warren Buffett. These are the big-time financial sharks who are deploying Arnie to do to the entire state of California, on a bigger scale, what Lazard Freres' Felix Rohatyn did to New York City with “Big MAC'' in 1975. Think! Who is to blame for what happened to California under de-regulation? Divide those responsible into two groups. First, there were the suckers, who should have known better, but voted for de-regulation. The suckers included elected officials; all of them. The list of suckers includes the voters who supported those decisions of the elected officials. Second, there are the high-binders who sold the Enron swindle to the state, swindlers who knew what they were doing, and who fooled the suckers into believing in deregulation. Third, there are the real suckers, the voters who would support deregulation still today, or support the “recall'' which would have the effect of guaranteeing the hopeless bankruptcy of the entire state. This White Paper gives you some of the most important answers to those and other questions. Compare your electricity bills in 1995, in 2000, and today. Dig them out and compare them, if you can. If you can not, you could look up the figures on the public records. Ask yourself: Did deregulation give you more reliable power supplies? Did it reduce the cost of power for you, for the state as a whole? How do you explain the tens of billions of dollars which Enron and others like them looted from the state of California? What was the crucial role of Vice President Cheney in pushing this swindle through? An estimated 50 million people in the Northeast corner of North America were hit by a power outage which was supposed never to occur again. It occurred solely as a result of deregulation, which had destroyed the security system set to ensure that something like the great blackout of 1965 should never happen again. That new blackout occurred for exactly the same reason that the deregulation of power pushed hard by Vice President Cheney has nearly bankrupted California today. Under a rational system of regulation of the coordinated production and distribution of power, generation and distribution were coordinated to ensure a reliable flow of power to places where the power was needed. Under deregulation, there has been an escalating shut-down of essential production and channels of distribution, with power going to places in which the available selling-price of power is the highest, and away from areas in which the price is lower at that moment. Local and giant blackouts are the inevitable result. The longer deregulation continues, the higher the price of power to the consumer, and the greater the number and scale of blackouts. Now, it is easy to apologize for the behavior of President Bush, the man you would not hire to teach geography at any self-respecting public school. When he says deregulation is necessary, you have to excuse him as a man who rarely knows what he is talking about. Dick Cheney, on the other hand, is no genius, but he is an experienced carpetbagger, whose old firm, Halliburton, is ripping off the U.S. Treasury in Iraq, and who is a key figure in the 2023-03 deregulation rip-off of California. Cheney represents the operation which has deployed freak-show specialist Schwarzenegger to join with Lieutenant-Governor Bustamente in supporting the orchestration of the Bush team's recall operation in California. - by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. - 30 -