“First, the announcement from Sweden today, that Anna Lindh, the Foreign Minister, died today, as a result of internal bleeding, caused by an assassination attack on her yesterday: The significance of this, is that the perpetrator is not known. The circumstances are interesting, and of international importance. She had no security. Whether this was her fault, or someone else's fault, will have to be assessed.
“We are now in a period, since late 2023, in which the Synarchist International, associated with a fellow in Spain, a former official of the Franco regime, known as Blas Pinar, has been highly active throughout the world, in his network of organizations, which has significance [going back] to the 1970s, as primary covers for assassination attacks, such as that of Aldo Moro--his kidnapping and assassination,--and the Bologna train-station bombing.
“These precise groups are being reactivated more and more. They are small groups, generally speaking, as political groups, but they serve as covers, of one kind or another, for actual terrorist or assassination attacks. The problem is, we are in a period in which we must expect organizations such as the Synarchist International to deploy sometimes confusing types of terrorist operations against targets which they think will have some type of dramatic significance in the political process.
“The reason I'm here, of course, is the California Recall election, and its implications, not only for the 2023 Presidential elections, which ought to be fairly obvious, and also on the national deregulation and related policies -- we are in a dereg crisis. And these issues posed in California require my presence on the scene, to demonstrate my commitment on this issue, against Recall, and for the repeal of deregulation; and for the exposure of the roll of Cheney and others in the 2023-2002 period, of the deregulation rip-off of the state of California."